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06 February 2007

the deep thrill of lavender

chocolate lavender tart

“It’s so good to meet someone else with this,” she said to me, gratefully.
“I know!” I said. “I mean, with whom else could we talk about the state of our intestines on first meeting?”
Amal laughed across the table. She and I have been trading fart jokes for years. It seems to be the mark of a true friend — the one with whom you can discuss your inner workings without any hesitation.
My new friend — the one Amal brought to meet me on Friday night — is Anna. She was born in Trento, Italy, and she only found out that she has celiac disease four years ago. Part of our discussion on celiac and the pitfalls of living gluten-free was retracing our steps and discovering how sick we had actually been, before we knew.

When she was nine, she had stomach attacks and intestinal problems so bad that the doctors told her she had colitis.
When I was a kid, my mother had a bottle of worm medicine on the door of the refrigerator, perpetually.
When she grew sick as an adult, she drank barley coffee, a specialty of her area of Italy, thinking it would be better for her than regular coffee. Barley coffee!
When I was sick before being diagnosed, I lay on the couch and ate loaves of bread from Macrina Bakery down the street.
When she was diagnosed, she felt something lifting that had been on her shoulders, all her life.
When I was diagnosed, I finally felt free.

There’s something extraordinary about talking with someone else who has celiac. Of course, just because two people have celiac disease doesn’t mean they will like each other. But it’s common ground, a shared story. The gratitude at finding out we are not alone is enormous.

We were sitting in the Chef’s restaurant on a Friday night, laughing about our intestines and becoming friends.

She and Amal met in Kabul, when they both worked for the United Nations. Imagine trying to live gluten-free in Kabul. It makes the slight struggle of Seattle seem even less.

Strangely, however, it seems Anna struggles almost as much in her new home of Washington DC as she had in Kabul. Now, she works for the World Bank, and the massive cafeteria at her work cannot seem to serve her well. She has found, to her dismay, that when she asks if the food is free of wheat, she receives vigorous nods. When she asks if any flour lurks in there, she is told, “Oh yes. A little. But only a little.” She hasn’t been able to find the restaurants that can serve her safely, yet.

This is why she was so grateful to be sitting with us that night. When I first met her, she showed me an orange book, The Essential Gluten-Free Restaurant Guide. She and Amal flipped, excitedly, to a bookmarked page, where the book had listed Impromptu as being gluten free: “Chef Dan is particularly friendly to gluten-free customers.” We all giggled. Anna felt like she was meeting someone famous.

So there we sat, eating roast chicken with braised cabbage, mashed potatoes, and an apple-cider sauce; sautéed escarole with a blood orange-butter sauce; seared albacore tuna with saffron lentils and a beet-horseradish vinaigrette. There were the remnants of a cheese plate and sprout salad in our minds. We laughed and talked with our hands and couldn’t believe our luck at being together, in this place.

Just as the evening began to come to its close, the Chef emerged from the kitchen, hiding something behind his back. From above our heads, he lowered the white plate to the table between us. We gasped, a little, and then smiled. Chocolate-lavender tart, with a gluten-free crust. We were silent. Amal was happy because it looked so damned good. But Anna and I had a different reason to feel grateful. Neither one of us, when we were diagnosed with celiac, ever expected to be sitting in a restaurant, eating this food.

Dark chocolate with a deep thrill of lavender, a tiny hint of that herbal note of spring. The crust tasted so flaky that no one could ever accuse it of being any less than superb. We tried to slow down, hover our forks over it in silence, but the tart was gone in a few moments.

After the bill was paid, there were hugs all around, especially for the Chef. Anna asked him for his autograph, in the book, which made him blush. Beaming at him, I knew what this meant for a man once shy, who no longer has a choice but to smile and talk to everyone that comes to meet him.

We were all connected, that evening, through food and friendship, sharing our stories.

CHOCOLATE LAVENDER TARTS, adapted from The Herbal Kitchen

This recipe is only slightly adapted from one of our favorite cookbooks at the moment, The Herbal Kitchen, by Jerry Traunfeld. Head chef of the famous Herbfarm, Traunfeld has a meticulous sense of fresh produce and how to combine fruits, vegetables, and herbs into something truly spectacular. The only downfall of the book in February is that all the sumptuous photographs were clearly shot in summer light, which makes some of the recipes seem improbable. This one, however, set the Chef thinking and creating, almost immediately.

The original recipe called for peppermint, rather than lavender. I’m certain that would be delicious as well. However, I have never been a big fan of chocolate mint, for some reason. And both the Chef and I just love lavender. (Did you know that lavender is one of the most enticing smells to men?) Here in Seattle, there is a little stand filled with all goods lavender in Pike Place Market. Sometimes, the woman who runs it goes off for lunch and leaves the stand on the honor system. We just grab a bunch of dried lavender sprigs and leave cash under the tip jar. It always seems to work out.

One gluten-free pie dough recipe (see the link here), omitting the cinnamon and using one cup sorghum flour and one-half cup rice flour instead.

¾ cup whole milk
¾ cup cream
¼ teaspoon dried lavender buds
7 ounces high-quality bittersweet chocolate (Callebaut or Scharffen Berger here), chopped into small pieces
4 large egg yolks
¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons baker’s sugar (extra-fine white sugar)

Preheat the oven to 350°.

Form the tart dough according to the recipe. Let it chill for a few moments in the refrigerator before working with it. Pat the dough into a tart shell (or, in the case of these, into a dozen tiny tart shells), attempting to make the bottom of the tart as thick as the sides. If the dough becomes unworkably sticky, put it back chill. When you have finished the tart dough, set it aside, preferably in the refrigerator.

Poke some holes in the bottom of the tart shell, lightly, with a fork. Bake the tart shell in the oven for about thirty minutes, or until it has turned golden brown. Remove it from the oven and set it aside to cool.

In a small saucepan, bring the milk and cream to a boil. Add the lavender, stir the buds in, and take the pan off the heat, immediately. After the lavender milk and cream have rested for ten minutes, strain the liquid of the lavender. Turn the burner on medium. Return the milk-cream to the saucepan and put the chocolate pieces in the liquid. Let the chocolate sit and melt for three minutes, and then whisk the concoction together.

In a mixing bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar together, gently. When they have come together, pour in the chocolate-cream mixture, slowly, whisking all the while. When this has become a coherent mixture, pour the chocolate filling into the tart pan. Fill the tart just enough to come to the top.

Chill the tart in the refrigerator for at least an hour, and preferably more, before serving it. Take it out of the refrigerator an hour before serving it, so that it is not icy when you try to cut it.

Here’s a trick for not smearing chocolate from one slice to the next: dip a sharp knife in hot water between each slice.

Serves twelve.


At 9:45 PM, Blogger Tara said...

thanks for the recipe! Looks good.

At 10:46 PM, Blogger Oni said...

Divine. A friend brought over chocolates for a chocolate tasting. I never knew that dark chocolate and lavender would be heaven to my tongue. I'm in love with it! I will have to try to this recipe. You are such a lucky girl!

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Sea said...

I love lavender and chocolate too. There is a little chocolate shop in California where they sell the most wonderful lavender truffles... Mmmm. I also once made lavender (gluten free) sugar cookies. Magical!


At 11:19 PM, Blogger Shelly (Nicole) said...

Oh my goodness. I'm trying this over the weekend. This looks divine.

As a side note, I have a question for you about celiac disease. Would it be okay to email you directly?

At 11:24 PM, Blogger jjlook said...

When is it baked? Before or after the chocolate?

At 12:22 AM, Blogger Shauna said...

Thank you everyone. Definitely, try it!

Jj -- thanks for pointing that out! somehow, the baking paragraph didn't reach the first draft. There it is for you, now.

At 5:49 AM, Blogger madre-terra said...

Sounds like such a nice evening. I am reminded of two lavender farms in WA. Of course I can't remember the names of either one. One is on Whidbey. That farm does a lot of street fairs. You'll find them at the U District Street Fair. They are always there.
The other is out on San Juan Island. They have (or did last year) have a store right in town. They have an espresso bar in there and you can get all the lavender delectibles that your heart desires. Funny, I never go in because the smell of lavender is too strong for me. A few minutes in there and I've got a headache.
Your post is always a treat.

At 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow - a community of people who get celiac disease. this post made me cry and wish so badly i was with you all at dinner the other night. what a beautiful evening - and tart for that matter. thank you for sharing.

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Jen said...

This looks and sounds so delicious! Thanks for posting all these fabulous recipes!

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Mrs. G.F. said...

(As I wipe the drool from my mouth..)

Looks so good, my goodness.

You lucky, lucky woman! You kiss the Chef extra nice today for that.

If I am ever out in Seattle, I am going to that restaurant!

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Deann B. said...

I recently came across your blog after being linked by Soulemama. I loved it so much, I went back through all the archives to catch up on your story from then - now. I want to let you know that besides the great recipes and food photos, the glimpses you share with your readers about the pride and love you have for the Chef always make me teary-eyed - in a good way.

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your stories make me wish I lived in Seattle! So few GF restaurants here in Michigan... Where would a person buy lavendar?

At 11:53 AM, Blogger jjlook said...

thanks for clearing that was probably intuitive for some, but I am a new baker (thanks, in part, to you!) and don't yet trust my baking sense

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great picture! Please tell Amal to shoot me an email at - and I can point her in the right direction. I have lived in the DC-area almost my whole life and I have been GF for almost 1 year. There are several restaurants I can point her to which are GF and delicious! Thanks for sharing the lavender recipe - QUESTION for you: since I don't like lavender OR mint... what else would you suggest?

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so grateful that there are gluten free options in Seattle like Impromtu. My family is coming to visit me in March and I am thrilled that I will be able to take my sister out for a wonderful GF meal! It is on our list of "for sure things to do over spring break."

At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmn...chocolate and lavender! I can almost feel myself floating in all that chocolaty delight. Have to try this one! Thanks Shauna!

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Jean Layton-GF Dr. Mom said...

I love your enthusiasm and your wonderful sharing of food and friendship.
This recipe reminded me of a lavender shortbread I used to make before being gluten free. I can imagine it dipped in dark chocolate with the pale purple flakes of the lavender buds peeking out. Looks like I have my weekend project figured out.

At 3:33 AM, Blogger Sheri said...

Ah crap. It looks so good, but lavender is a migraine trigger for me. Maybe I will try the mint version.

At 5:37 AM, Blogger Rebekah Benson-Flannery said...

Hi...The tart looks delicious. Tell Anna there are a few places in DC that do not wield their gluten arrows so flagrantly. I have had good luck at Ten Pehn (, whose chef made me a special gluten-free dish after asking me what I liked. Mandalay Cafe ( of my favorites!!), a Burmese restaurant in Silver Spring, keeps gluten-free tamari on hand to use in the food they prepare for their wheat and gluten sensitive customers. Lastly, the Washington Post reported that Cake Love (, which supplies DC with cupcakes, cakes, and brownies to satiate their sweet teeth, makes gluten-free versions of their sugary creations. I have not tried their new treats yet, but cannot wait. Cake Love's first location is on U street, but is also in Silver Spring.

My advice is to go to restaurants where the chef and staff have a passion for knowing about food and what goes into it, and are devoted to enabling their diners a good, though not necessarily quick, diner or lunch.

Tell Anna good luck. Thank you for your blog. I look forward to reading it every day.

At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! We had discovered recently that my partner has Celiacs and my mother was the one that told me about this website!! It's great! I am going to do this with her so that she doesn't feel alone and it just naturally becomes a part of our life!
Thanks again!
Getting my gluten-free legs together! LOL

At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely recipe and inspiration. Thanks.

At 9:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yum, Yum, Yum! I have been thinking about chocolate and lavender ever since I saw a lavender brownie in a bakery a few years ago. I've never seen anything like that since, but your tart looks even better.

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Allergic Girl® said...


At 11:31 AM, Blogger Darcie said...

I read your site frequently because even though I don't suffer from celiac, I have friends who do. I like being able to cook for them - your site has helped me learn about their needs. Thank you so much for your recipes and hints - my friends thank you too!
One question - do you think celiac is more prominent among women than men? I've never met or heard of a man who admitted to suffering from it? What do you think?
Best wishes,

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Rob Deichert Jr said...

You and Anna should definitely try out Legal Seafoods in Baltimore, they have a great celiac menu.

Anna might also enjoy my wife's website - - she reviews gluten free food as a non-celiac.

At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your nice post!


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