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The Pioneer Woman Cooks

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28 February 2010

The Pioneer Woman Cooks

Lucy with the Pioneer Woman cookbook

Can you guess whose cookbook we cooked out of this week?

You can't? What, have you been hiding under a big old rock the past couple of months? That's Ree Drummon, the Pioneer Woman herself, force of nature, damned good writer, authentic being, hilarious hoot, and amazing woman. Her cookbook has been on the New York Times bestseller list. At her first reading, people waited in line five hours just to see her. She's the Beatles, people. She's bigger than us all.

She's cool, as Little Bean might say.

So, you probably don't need me to tell you about this cookbook, do you?

Well, let me tell you this part first.

I adore Ree Drummond. I've been reading her site since nearly the beginning, when her photographs were washed out and she shot straight from the heart in every sentence. My dear friend Tea alerted me to The Pioneer Woman. "You have to read her," she told me in an email. "She's a real writer. And she's a hell of a lot better than she wants people to believe." I've been reading, faithfully, since then. (And I especially love her multi-part series on how she met and fell in love with her husband. Look, I'm still dizzy-crazy in love with my husband. I'm a sucker for a good love story.) After all these years, like many of us do, I feel like I've been on that ranch, that I know those kids, that I can smell Charlie's breath. Meeting Ree at the BlogHer conference in San Francisco, and being astonished that she knows who I am, was one of the best parts of last year. No one was cheering for The Pioneer Woman more than me when her book came out.

(And I'm still mortified that one time, when she and I were writing a couple of emails back and forth, I asked her if she needed an agent, because she should really write a book. Yeah, this cookbook was coming out in about a month. She was so polite when she told me, though. She didn't call me an idiot at all. What can I say? My blog reading slowed down when Little Bean was born.)

As much as I love Pioneer Woman (and I have a hard time calling her anything but Pioneer Woman), I don't really love the layout of this book. Her vivid photographs of the step-by-step preparations of dishes deserved larger space, not tiny dime-sized pictures crammed together on a page. And am I the only one confused at first, because the steps read top to bottom, in columns, and then you skip to the next column to the right? I tried to read the recipe photographs left to right, the way our eyes naturally go, with reading. Every recipe felt entirely strange until I realized how I was supposed to read it. Even though I love Ree, and her writing, I didn't entirely feel called to cook out of this book, at first.

Silly me.

Edna mae's sour cream pancakes

It started last week with the pancakes, the thin-as-whisper Edna Mae sour cream pancakes. My friend Judy told me, "You really should make them. They only have 7 tablespoons of flour in the whole recipe." That did it. I made them. And loved them.

(That's sorghum syrup in that photograph above. Danny's pouring. We ended up drenching the pancakes in that slightly molasses, thicker and more bitter than maple syrup concoction. He didn't like the pancakes for that. I'm making them again soon so he can see the error of his ways.)

Seven tablespoons of flour? Easy. These were lacey and present, full of flavor yet delicate. (This is starting to sound like a feminine anti-perspirant ad, so I'll be quiet.) These are pancakes you can stack 12 high and not feel guilty as you slam your fork through them. Go ahead. Enjoy.

Mexican food from The Pioneer Woman

After those pancakes, I made a long list of all the dishes we should cook last week. It was longer than my hand could write. I stopped and started putting post-its in the book instead. The top of it now looks like the sidewalk filled with smashed flags, after a parade. I couldn't get to them all.

I'm going back.

The recipes in this book are homey. Do I intend that as an insult? Absolutely not. They're recipes you make in the home, not in a restaurant, not to impress, not at a party. They're family dinner food, recipes handed down from grandmothers and trusted friends. They're recipes that have been tested in the belly, many times before making it into print. This book is filled with comfort meatballs, chicken-fried steak, blackberry cobbler, meatloaf, chicken pot pie, and oatmeal crispies. This food is filled with butter, sugar, beef, cream, and breading. This is food intended to fill the stomachs of hungry cowboys and little kids both.

This food is good.

I had some funny reactions when I posted updates of our food adventures cooking from The Pioneer Woman Cooks this week on Twitter. A couple of people asked if this food wasn't "...beneath us," with Danny a chef and the two of us making such "complicated" recipes. Are you kidding me? Have you looked at these photos? Nothing in this cookbook is less delicious than what you might see in far more expensive books. (And frankly, I'd far rather eat those pancakes than anything that comes in foam form.) This is good food.

On our first date, Danny told me he is a chef because "...I like to give people joy in the belly."

When he came home from work the first night I was cooking from this cookbook, and handed him a plate full of roast chicken and crisp potato skins filled with bacon, cheddar cheese, and sour cream, with the promise of chocolate sheet cake after, he sat on the couch and munched and moaned. That man was happy, in this primal, important way. He felt well fed. He ate everything.

And then he asked me to marry him again.

Sometimes I think we all make too much a fuss over food. The only thing it's really good for is that joy in the belly. We had plenty of that this week.

We made pico de gallo from scratch(bought hothouse tomatoes for the occasion). Danny braised short ribs for the enchiladas. And the next morning we had leftovers.

Last night, we had nachos with homemade tortilla chips, the last of the braised short ribs, ripe avocado, the last of the pico de gallo, and sour cream. We lifted our chips into the air to thank Ree.

skillet cornbread, gluten-free

Look at this skillet cornbread. Gluten-free. It was twice as easy to make (one-pot meal, on the stove, then in the oven) than any other cornbread before it, for me.

Every single baked good I tried to convert from this book worked like the giant smile Little Bean flashes at us when she wants our attention. You know why? These recipes are family tested, belly tested. They work.

I could bake out of this book forever.

baking from the Pioneer Woman cookbook

So we had potato leek pizza (you cook the leeks in bacon grease) one night. I grew so excited about the buttermilk biscuits that I guessed at the weight of the flours (our scale broke) and made them by feel. I ate pineapple upside down cake, warm out of the oven, for the first time since I was wearing OP shorts and Vans shoes in Claremont, California in 1982.

Damn, that cake was good. Moist and soft with vanilla, the brown sugar sort of caramelized, the pineapples burrowed into the cake — we just couldn't get enough. (And the cake was almost like a pudding cake, like custard that had set well. Three days later, it still tasted good.) No one cared that these were gluten-free. This was good food.

And I realized today that the photographs in this book (even if they are squinched together) are much more enticing than most styled shots. So many professional food photographs are gleaming and distant. When I see a cake book with the photograph of a mile-high chocolate cake with glossy ganache and frosting without any crumbs, I feel intimidated. It's good, in a way, because it kicks me in the butt. However, I've just realized this week that I usually set myself up to this impossible standard. When I convert baked goods recipes to gluten-free, it's not good enough for me that they look like they might be served on someone's dinner table. I want them to look like the baked goods at the best bakeries in Paris.

It's a little exhausting.

This week, however, I just flung flours into a bowl and baked with joy. When I looked at The Pioneer Woman's pineapple upside down cake, I felt comforted. It looked a little schlumpy. It looked delicious. So I just baked to feed my family.

This week tasted good.

Ree Drummond just wants you to get into the kitchen and have fun feeding people. I would love to be in her kitchen with her, cracking jokes while the onions start cooking down in a hot pan. That probably will never happen. This book is as close as we're all going to get.

I could not recommend this book more if I could write it in the sky. Buy it, people.

Then make yourself some pot roast.

We're giving away a copy of this book to one lucky reader. Tell us why you want it, in a story. We'll pick the winner at random next Monday night.

p.s. You want to know how cool Pioneer Woman is? When she read about this giveaway, she upped the ante. There are 10 signed copies of the cookbook to give away now. Thank you, Ree.

pioneer woman's chocolate sheet cake, gluten-free

Chocolate Sheet Cake, Gluten-Free
, Adapted from The Pioneer Woman Cooks

I have to admit, I was dubious about this recipe at first. How good could a cake only an inch high actually be? You pour the chocolate-rich batter into a rimmed sheet tray and bake it that way. I like my cakes fluffy and light, sky high if possible. A cake no taller than a sheet tray? I couldn't see it.

However, when I read Ree's headnote, I was convinced to at least try. "This is absolutely, without a doubt, the best chocolate sheet cake. Ever. It's moist beyond imagination, chocolatey and rich like no one's business, and 100% of the time it causes moans and groans from anyone who takes a bite."

So? Does it live up to its reputation?

Oh dear lord. This is the most addictive chocolate anything I have ever eaten. The moist, fudgy cake with the icing clinging to its top could stop men in their tracks. It did in this house. I had to hide it from myself for fear of eating it all in one night.

Turns out, too, it's pretty darned easy to convert to gluten-free goodness. Thank you, Ree.

10 ounces gluten-free flours (I used 3 ounces almond, 3 ounces super-fine brown rice, and 4 ounces potato starch)
2 teaspoons xanthan gum
1/2 teaspoon guar gum
2 cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 pound (2 sticks) butter
4 heaping tablespoons cocoa powder

For the icing
1 3/4 sticks (7 ounces) butter
4 heaping tablespoons cocoa powder
6 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 pound (16 ounces) powdered sugar
1/2 cup finely chopped pecans (I used cashews here)

Preparing to bake. Preheat the oven to 350°. Pull out a rimmed baking sheet (also called a jelly roll pan or half-sheet tray). Set a pan of water on to boil.

Mix the dry ingredients. Combine the gluten-free flours of your choice, the xanthan and guar gums, the sugar, and the salt. Whisk them together.

Mixing the wet ingredients. Combine the buttermilk, eggs, vanilla, and baking soda. Stir well.

Making the chocolate concoction. Melt the butter, then add the cocoa powder. Whisk them together to combine. Pour 1 cup of the boiling water into the chocolate mixture and let it sit for a moment. Turn off the heat. Stir.

Making the batter. Pour the chocolate mixture into the flours. Stir for a moment to cool the chocolate, then pour in the egg mixture. Go to town stirring with a rubber spatula until it is smooth.

Baking the cake. Pour the cake batter into the rimmed baking sheet. Slide it in the oven and bake until the cake is firm and a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean, about 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch: icing. Melt the butter in a large saucepan on medium-low heat. Add cocoa powder. Stir. Add milk and vanilla. Stir. Add that pound of powdered sugar. Stir. Add the chopped nuts. Stir.

Finishing the cake with icing. Remove the cake from the oven. Immediately, pour the icing over the cake evenly, covering the top. Let it sit until it is cool enough to eat, about 20 minutes.

Dig in.

I happen to know this cake freezes well. After I ate the first bite of it, I knew I was in danger. So we ate our dessert portions, then I sliced up the whole thing and stuck them in ziploc bags and flung them in the back of the freezer. Somehow, some of those frozen pieces have ended up in our mouths as well. (Tip: the frozen ones are great with ice cream.)


At 11:56 PM, Blogger Rach said...

Haha, I'm not sure how much of a story this is, but my mom has been gluten free for about 7 years now. I love cooking for her because I feel like she so easily gets stuck in the same things! I love Pioneer Woman too, but I've only made a few recipes of hers. I'd love to get her new book and try out some things for my mom! And reading this blog really makes me want to buy her a kitchen scale! :0)

At 3:33 AM, Blogger Jennifer Jo said...

I'm a fan of Ree's, too. I'm in love with her dulce de leche coffee and ranch dressing---two of my standbys. But you know what I like best? That her kids work hard and live useful lives. It's so unusual to see that nowadays, and that someone like Ree can get so popular and expose so many people to the benefit of that type of lifestyle gives me hope.

And no, I don't have her book and I would LOVE to get my hands on it.

At 3:38 AM, Blogger Patricia said...

I'd like this book because I need a reason to like The Pioneer Woman. I haven't been able to find the same passion for her website that the rest of the world has found. Teach me to love her as much as you do.

At 3:45 AM, Blogger Fiona said...

Thank you Shauna! I got Ree's book for Christmas from my husband - he knows I read her site every day. And there are many recipes in the book that I've cooked and have been a complete success (the pulled pork / Marlboro Man's sandwich...) but I hadn't had a go at converting some of the recipes with flour in. However, I'm making that cake this week - just you try stopping me!!

At 4:04 AM, Blogger Carlie said...

I think the book is gorgeous! I love the richness of her photographs and her life and I think they captured that well with the look of the book. I just thumbed through it at the bookstore though, I haven't tried any of the recipes. Must get over that now and try it. I am slobbering for some of that chocolate sheet cake.

At 4:06 AM, Blogger Kate said...

Can we beg for the Buttermilk Biscuit modification? biscuits are the one GF baked good that keeps failing for me, and my beloved (who can eat wheat, and doesn't because our kitchen is GF) loves biscuits.

At 4:13 AM, Anonymous Sean-Michael said...

I am inspired by your blog and have put your book on my to buy list, and plan to buy it later today when Patch wakes up and I can update our credit card information.

This cake sounds delicious but I can't eat chocolate due to my migraines (mmmm chocolate, the most difficult thing I've had to give up yet!)

Any suggestions for replacing the chocolate in this recipe? I'm new to gluten free baking and don't know enough yet to just toss something in there.


At 4:47 AM, Blogger Engineer Baker said...

That chocolate sheet cake? Probably the most loved thing I have *ever* brought into work for the guys in my department. They LOVED it. If you want sky-high, take a piece of cake, slather on the frosting, and then sandwich another piece on top. Seriously, that's how they ate it! I love this cookbook, because it's just so real. Cooking is joy, cooking is love, cooking is FUN. That just screams out from every page.

At 4:59 AM, Blogger ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Thanks for the review! I love Ree and I follow her site too. I make many recipes from the site (made the Ginger Steak Salad for dinner last night) but I was afraid that with our food allergies we might not be able to make too many recipes from the book. It's good to know that they can be converted.
I love the picture of Lu looking at the cookbook. Too cute :)

At 5:23 AM, Anonymous Rachel said...

I would love to love cooking for my family again. I love them a lot but the last couple weeks it has become a mountain to make a meal plan. It feels like I am only cooking simple, pantry meals yet I go shopping twice a week. I want something that I haven't cooked before, that will taste good and not take 2 or 3 hours of active cooking time.
(word verification is thygfox)

At 5:26 AM, Blogger Jolene said...

So, I'm pretty new to the gluten free lifestyle and still very timid about just subsituting gluten free flour for regular flour recipes call for. I LOVE pioneer woman and bought the cookbook as soon as I could, but am disappointed in how many of the recipes call for flour. Did you just substitite gluten free flour for all the recipes you tried and had it turn out delicious? Thanks for inspiring me to try some of the recipes calling for flour, any advice will help!

At 5:28 AM, Anonymous beyond said...

i, too, have been reading the pioneer woman since almost the beginning, back in the days where she'd get just a handful of comments. her success hasn't changed her. still have not gotten her cookbook, i'd love to have it.

At 5:40 AM, Blogger Evelyn said...

Who doesn't love Pioneer Woman :) Like you said her recipes are all down to earth, simple but quality ingredients, delicious results...and of course all things you would want to eat!

At 5:47 AM, Blogger Dana said...

Hello :)

I would love to enter to win the cookbook! I am GF newbie! My family is not GF. They groan and say... why don't you bake good things for us anymore. The only goodies you make are GF! I have read Pioneer Woman for quite sometime! She always seems to make stick to your ribs kind of food, that would even fill up a teenage boy ;) I think if I cooked from this book, they would forgive me for not baking any non GF goodies :))

Thanks for the great giveaway! Thanks also for all of your great recipes!


At 5:52 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I just wanted to say how glad I am that you reviewed this book. I bought it because it was the food I grew up with (and you can pick someone else if my name is picked, no need to be greedy). But I wasn't sure how much cook time I'd get out of it now that my husband can't eat gluten. You reminded me that gluten free isn't a limitation. That it's simply a different view. That different flours don't mean "no".

This book reminded me that food is home and should feed your soul the way home does.

I agree about the columns and photos too. I thought they looked less vivid than her site, and I was searching around for where to go.

Again, thanks for reminding me about the "yes" in life. You guys are great!

At 5:56 AM, Blogger sweetpea said...

Have everything on hand to make the sheet cake this very moment! We are kindred spirits Shauna, you, I the PW. It is the way in which we are in love with our partners that connects us in a visceral way! No story here, just a plea in the name of love that I want that cookbook. I know that man sitting on the couch in Seattle, moaning and groaning, she lives here in my house. I know homey cooking, a necessity for surviving the long dark Minnesota winters. I want that book and I want it now.

At 6:06 AM, Blogger Francesca Morgan said...

I've been pining over this book!! In my own little story- We've been trying oh so hard to eat gluten-free as a family, but ti's so hard But your blog has been one of the best inspirations for me. I'd love to take the recipes from Ree's book and convert them into recipes that we could use. I used to love cooking. I even did catering for a coupel years. But after three children it became more of a chore. But after reading Ree's blog it made me love it again. Gluten-free girl has made me love cooking healthy for our family. I think because you both LOVE food and show it in your sites has transpired to the readers. That's why I'd love it. To help my love keep growing.

At 6:13 AM, Blogger elle said...

My goodness, Shauna! You make me wanna get in the car and drive an hour to the city and a book store! And they aren't even open yet. But sour cream pancakes, 12 high? yum!

At 6:13 AM, Blogger Jenn Sutherland said...

Shauna, you are filling my shelves with such wonderful books - first Ad Hoc, and now this one! Of course I'd love to win the free copy, but it's going in my amazon cart this morning to await the next order.

Pioneer Woman definitely is an inspiration in the blogger community...and I do hope that I'll meet her at BlogHer food this year, though I have no expectation that she'd know who I am. That she tells wonderful stories about her family and her food is certainly enough to make a fangirl out of me.

And I'll be making that sheet cake soon - bet on it. (I'm very glad for your freezer tip...I think we'll need it!)

At 6:16 AM, Blogger Sizzle said...

As much as I love reading Ree I never thought I would be able to eat most of the foods she has in the book because of the levels of flours and sugars but it sounds like it could be easy to switch things up and make them edible for me. This is good news! And those photos are making my mouth water. I've been lacking inspiration in the kitchen but this is sparking me!

At 6:27 AM, Blogger said...

oh the pioneer woman is amazing, her vivid memoirs of life on the ranch shared with me via my computer monitor makes me happy ( so do you by the way)
I don't have a witty story to share with you but I would like her book because I love to cook her food for my family. We have 2 boys who eat like horses and Ree's food fills their bellies, puts a smile on their face and does not have me standing in the kitchen for hours at a time.
Good food for growing kids is hard to come by sometimes, PW has it.

At 6:35 AM, Blogger kirsten said...

Oh, dear Lord. I haven't purchased Ree's cookbook yet because of my gluten-freeness, but now I think you've convinced me to give it a try.

Yep, that was my belly rumbling.

At 6:44 AM, Blogger Kathie Sever said...

a haiku for my plee:

our life is happy
our stale meals await inspir
ation; cash is short.

p.s. love that pioneer woman, do i.

At 6:50 AM, Blogger MsGraysea said...

I could not agree more. PW is awesome - I, too, have been with PW, and you for that matter, for a very long time. The book is great and the Texas sheet cake is amazing. I am always asked to bring it for office parties and it disappears like magic.
You are both great writers and have inspired me in so many ways.
Thanks for that great review.

At 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shauna! I have been looking for this book - so far not in Canada? Isn't Ree a gem? And what a lovely post you have written! I love the blogging world! I have learned so much, met great people too! Thanks for sharing all that you do! Looking forward to when your new book comes out, Ina from the Westcoast

At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Jackie said...

I've been reading The Pioneer Woman for quite a looong while, too. I remember happening upon her blog one day and the rest of the world faded away. I carried my little white laptop around the house with me devouring every word of Black Heels to Tractor Wheels. How GOOD was that?! A soap opera for the soul. I'm dying for her to publish the next part of the story.
Would love to own this cookbook and make some down-home ranch food! Your picture of the pineapple upside down cake made my mouth water -- all of that burnt sugar sweet goodness!

At 7:04 AM, Blogger Swiss said...

I have been reading her blogs for a long time now too. Even before Orangette and you, in fact she was the first food blog. Her food and cooking reminds me more of myself, especially when my kids were home.

I have too many cookbooks and am working on a plan to widdle them down- but I want this one anyway- I will trade 10 cookbooks, no 20 cookbooks for this one.

The recipe that has me interested right now is the one you mentioned the other day and I think you pictured here - Migas-looks like something that will fit in my unusual food plan.

Thanks for posting about it and just for posting and - being you,

At 7:08 AM, Blogger Steph said...

I'm newly gluten free. Where can I find xanthan gum and guar gum? I didn't find it at Whole Foods. But I have to admit I didn't really know what it would look like.


At 7:09 AM, Blogger alice said...

The story:
A woman, having learned that she needs to go gluten-free, starts a months-long journey to get from a land of easy, don't-have-to-think-about-it-ever, vegetarianism-and food-allergies-aren't-a-big-deal food, to a place where baking and cooking abound. This new place is filled with forbidding buildings of recipes that she can't make work, tall structures with surly, disinterested guards at the doors, but it also has bright spots of approachable possibilities.

Some possibilities don't work, and they're often far apart, but the woman perseveres. She begins to find more and more open, welcoming, workable recipes clustered together, and realizes she's in a virtual community that's welcoming. She learns that with substitutions, even the imposing, impossible recipes aren't always barred to her, and she begins to relax into the idea that there may very well be a comfortable place for her amongst all of this.

The short: Ree's recipes are awesome to read, but I hadn't tried much substituting yet. Very heartened to hear that it works well!

At 7:17 AM, Blogger samcarter said...

My grandmother knew how to stretch meat. She could cook nearly anything. Grandpa wasn't a cattle rancher, he was a farmer who raised corn and wheat, so they didn't raise their own beef or pork. Sometimes she'd have to say, "Leonard, there's no meat for the pot," and he'd grab his gun and go out looking for whatever he could shoot. Rabbit, preferably. Possum, maybe. Squirrel, often. My grandmother could cook a mean squirrel, so it was said.

My mother was the first in her family to go to college, and she met my father, who was raised in New Jersey, whose grandfather worked on Broadway and met such luminaries as Anna Pavlova and Roy Rogers. My mother was nervous about bringing him home to meet her folks, because she was certain they'd disapprove--he was a city boy, probably thought he was too good for them--or that they'd do something folksy to embarass her.

My grandmother never served special company dishes. She had no patience for fancy "trucked up" food; she was a busy woman with a farm to manage, and a hungry husband and sometimes farmhands to feed. So when they had company, she served what she'd normally serve to the family.

My father remembers that first dinner he had with his future inlaws vividly; he has said it was the most delicious thing he'd ever had. When my mother saw what grandma was serving, she wanted to fall under the table and die. Dad ate about three helpings and then complimented his future mother-in-law and asked what the name of the dish was.

With a straight face, my grandma said, "Soured squirrel. I preserve it in jars."

To this day I don't know how one makes soured squirrel, or how one would make it taste delicious, but I do know my grandma was a pioneer woman. And in her honor I only make dinners and dishes that I think would pass muster in her kitchen! So I love Ree's website, and her recipes, and I LOVE that they can be converted (often) to gluten-free versions. I would love a Pioneer Woman cookbook!

At 7:17 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Shauna, I discovered Ree's blog only a month ago, and I think I spend two hours reading her love story, piece by piece. I find her amazing, she makes you want to live in a farm, with horses and cows, and dogs running around. I love her self deprecating humor, her love for her husband, and for her new life, so different than her life before.

Why I would love to receive this book? Because I think it is written from the heart, and I bet it has little notes explaining every recipe. I cook like that too, homey recipes, and I cook to make people's bellies happy, that all it is. Well...I also cook for myself, to make me make dishes I used to eat in Italy, cooked by my parents.

I love reading about your enthusiasm for Dee and her recipes.

At 7:25 AM, Blogger Midnight Agenda said...

Oh my goodness! I have been reading my way through PW's website front to back! A couple months ago I saw her cookbook at Half Price Books and was turned off when I flipped through it and saw all the pictures... Of course it was the next week that I found her site and understood why there were so many pics.... of course when I went back all the books were gone and I haven't seen it since then anywhere near me.

PW introduced me to twice baked potatoes and bbq meatballs. She also showed me a different way to make homemade mac n cheese which is just as good as my recipe for it. (side note: we have been eating her "serves 6" mac n cheese for a week.... it made an obscene amount of food for serving 6)

And now you, Dear Shauna are taking her recipes and making them GF I could just die... but then, I woudn't be able to eat your or PW's food... So I think I'd rather stay here.

Sorry for all the shmoopy-ness I just have been totaly into both your sites.

- Midnight Agenda

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Bossy Chef said...

I adore the Pioneer Woman! Just like you I had a friend who kept saying... you have to read this, you have to check out her recipes. Reading through her website makes me want to curl up and sleep in her words. I love her food and photos, and her sassy humor.

Why would I want a copy of her book when I read her site every week? Because I am on a homey food kick. After years of fancy food I feel a little burned out. That and I have one child about to turn two and one in college leaves little time for mile high cakes and fancy food styling :).

I got to the point where when I thought about entering the kitchen to make some fancy smanchy food, I decided to order out pizza instead. After feeling icky from all the junk we were eating I realized it was time to take it down a notch. To just enjoy being in the kitchen like I used to and to feed my family home cooked, yummy food. I think her food fits right in with the new food me.

At 8:08 AM, Anonymous Lori in SC said...

Great Post! I check your blog everyday with excitement, hoping you have posted because I love it so much!
I would love this book for one reason... this is the way my family likes to eat and I want to share my gluten free lifestyle with them in a way that will give them "joy in their bellies"!

At 8:09 AM, Blogger I Love to Do Dishes said...

I've already got my signed copy of the book, so no need to put me in the running, but I wanted to express my pleasure in reading your thoughts on this! I agree with the formatting issue, but when I saw it, I thought that maybe they were going for how the recipes are presented in a blog post - top to bottom.

My absolute favorite is the mocha icing over brownies. GF brownies, and that light-as-air rich-as-sin deliciousness slathered on top. It's amazing.

I've yet to adapt her cinnamon roll recipe, but I'm looking forward to trying.

Thanks for all you do!

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

Now I have a new blog to follow. :)

I have to admit I was hoping you'd post the conversion for the upside-down pineapple cake. I used to bake that regularly pre-GF, and haven't yet worked out a good recipe with the GF flours.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger alissa said...

There once was a girl from surrey;
Who needed dinner- quick! hurry!
Your post came along;
Take-out seemed so wrong;
And the husband was starting to worry!

I'd love that book if you're willing to ship it to canada! I just found Ree's blog and adore the story of how she snagged marlboro man. for a city girl who's never really ridden a horse... Ree's as close as I can get to country living!

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Cicero Sings said...

I've only recently discovered Pioneer Woman. She is amazing. I don't know how she posts all those posts and looks through all those photos for contest winners and cooks like she does, and home schools and writes and ..... Okay, so I'm a sloth. But both my husband and I like to cook and good home cooking is so satisfying ... yep, we would like one of her books ... but when it comes to picking a winner ... we're in B.C. Canada.

At 8:42 AM, Blogger SusieQ said...

How have I not heard of Pioneer Woman??? I recently decided to go back to cooking from my roots. I grew up on a ranch in Idaho with a mom and Grandma who loved cooking real food for their families. I learned to cook that way, but have gotten away from my roots, enticed by a more "gourmet" style of cooking. Plus, becoming gluten-free about 13 years ago changed my cooking, as well.

With a crazy busy life right now (I'm a mom of two grown boys and grandma of two who is unbelievably close to earning my law degree), I decided to simplify my life, especially my kitchen habits. I call it my "back-to-the-ranch" plan. Although I have their recipes and cookbooks, with my mom and grandma both gone, I've found it more of a struggle than I anticipated.

I just went to Pioneer Woman's blog and will put it on my list of must-check blogs, along with yours, Shawna. Her style of cooking is exactly the inspiration I need.

I just put a hold on her cookbook at the library . . . it looks like it will be a long wait! I'll be tryiing out that cake in the meantime.

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Jen said...

I love reading Ree's blog and have bookmarked a bunch of the recipes she's posted. I love her photos and stories. I just can't figure out how she finds time to homeschool, take beautiful photos, cook (and photograph) so many beautiful meals, and do everything else. I wish I could multi-task that well! I've been gluten free for about 9 months now and am starting to experiment with more recipes and would love to have more recipes to cook for my family.

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Chrystal said...

I second the request for the buttermilk biscuit conversion. My family misses my tall, flaky buttermilk biscuits. I just can't seem to get it right.
Please share.
I love P-Dub.

At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Chelsea said...

Once upon a time there was a girl who liked to cook. Well, that's not quite true. She liked to bake. She wasn't sure about cooking yet. Over a period of six years, two things happened that changed her methods. First, she met a man with hazel eyes who ate TV dinners but secretly loved garlic and chocolate chip cookies (not at the same time!). She started cooking for him and loving doing it, because it was a way of tangibly showing her love for him. They got married in the summer of 2007. Second, she met a woman in graduate school named Ph. who can't eat gluten. Ph. also can't eat tree nuts, dairy, or corn! This poses an incredible challenge for our heroine, as you might guess. So she's searching for ways to cook satisfying, homey, delicious foods for Ph. and for the wonderful husband she wants to take perfect care of. So she, by which of course I mean I, am always looking for new marvelous recipes that I can cook for both of them, so we can all live happily ever after. :)

Also, between you and Bakerella I have been hearing awesome things about PW, and it's about time we were introduced in print, so I would love to have her cookbook. Thank you!

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Jill P. said...

I would love love a copy of this book to give to my mom. We live close to San Francisco, but we are country people at heart. And no better way to convince my parents to build a chicken coop than to show them endless pics of life on the ranch. Thanks for the awesome review. Those recipes are wonderful.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger April said...

I love REE!!! As much as I bought her cookbook, I haven't cooked from it, yet that is! I am putting in a comment here because I would love to win it and give it to some of my close friends...I know they will love it too!

Thank you for sharing things from a gluten free aspect. It truly blessed me!!!

At 9:05 AM, Blogger allison said...

I love the Pioneer Woman too and have been wanting her cookbook! I'm just trying out gluten free and so was hesitant to buy it. But now you've proven to me that I can easily adapt her recipes! Thanks!

At 9:08 AM, Anonymous cathy said...

omg, Pioneder Woman is THE BEST and her sour cream panckaes are THE MOST BEST!!! I just love them. But I can barely read your beautiful essay Shauna, the word belly has given me creeps since I was a little one and my brother use to pick on me by poking me in the bellybutton saying "belly ... belly ... BELLYBELLYBELLYBELLY" and I just can't stand it ever since then!!!

I just saw PW's cookbook in the store last night and it is absolutely gorgeous adn I can't wait to try the biscuits!

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Sus & co said...

i'd love love love a copy of p-dub's book. i also love her site and her writing. the stories make you laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time. as for the book, i'm a cooking machine these days, trying to feed three punks of my own who eat more than i can possibly keep in the fridge. i'd love some new family-tested, butter-rich recipes to choose from!


At 9:25 AM, Blogger celeste said...

I didn't discover Pioneer Woman until just before our son was born (he's just about Bean's age, a week older I think), when we were moving too. So I don't get there as often as I'd like. And I need more cookbooks, we need more variety!!

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Hey there, this cookbook looks great and totally up my alley. I love to make long, slow cooked meals that take all day and fill the house with those warm comforting aromas that make you feel like you're home no matter how many thousands of miles away from home you actually are.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Sistertex said...

I have never heard of 'Pioneer Woman' before. However, now that I have read about the things you made from it I am very interested in it and will be looking it up next time I am in the bookstore.

How do you do the conversion from 'wheat flour' to a gluten free flour and what type of flour do you use for it? You make is sound so easy and I am so withdrawn when it comes to trying to change a wheat flour recipe to a gf recipe. My daughter and I are both celiacs and it has been years (not even sure how long now) since we have been diagnosed. I just buy all the expensive gf mixes to make but find a lot of them just are NOT good, very dry. I am really very interested in learning how to take a wheat flour recipe and making something gluten free that is yummie like the many things I saw in your blog today.

BTW I have added your blog to my blog roll as I really enjoy it and want to share it with others as well. Thanks!

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Cegoodner said...

I would love to win a copy of the book . . . sounds fabulous! I have been hearing about Pioneer Woman but have never checked out her blog. I would a copy of the book to be introduced to her recipes :) Thanks!

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just when i promised myself i wouldn't buy another cookbook for at least a few months.....

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous MissyD said...

Once upon a time, a girl who loved food, fell madly in love with a boy who didn't eat vegetables, and had not turned on his oven in 10 years.

He fell madly in love with her too, and one morning, he tried to cook her breakfast. It was a disaster of epic proportions, but it made her love him more.

P-Dub's step by step photos just might do the trick.

At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Diane said...

I've checked this book out from the library about five times. I am without work, so cannot buy it now, but some day I will!

At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Marissa said...

How great is their love story? And her chocolate sheet cake? Delicious, both of them.

At 9:49 AM, Blogger TDR said...

I read PW every day...found her several years ago and have watched her take off. I have no idea how she does it all with such aplomb.

I found your blog about 3-4 years ago when I found out my son was on the autism spectrum. We tried going GFCF for a while...he is still CF, but we didn't notice anything with the gluten-free part so we quit. Twist! Three years later I was diagnosed as gluten-intolerant and here I stay.

The story about how you met chef? Brings tears to my eyes it is so beautifully written. I send people to your blog, even folks who eat gluten, to read your story. Thanks for sharing!

Oh, and I want to live on an island now.

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I read Ree's blog every single day and I would love to have this cookbook. I need to learn how to cook better because I'm getting married soon and I think Ree's book has recipes that would make my fiance drool.

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Tammy said...

Oh yummy! I have been reading PW's blog off and on for a couple of years now. I enjoy your photography, whether it is in the kitchen or out on the ranch. I also really enjoy watching her homeschool her little ones. I considered buying her book, then realized I'm not that great at converting recipes to GF, so took it off my list. Our little one is now almost 16 and I think this cake will hit the spot for her birthday on Sunday. She has been GF since just before this last Christmas. Thank you for sharing your modified recipe with us.

At 10:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shauna, I just recently (3 weeks ago) have gone gluten-free. Your blog and zest for living and cooking have helped me to begin navigating the GF world of being. I am 31 and the mom of a precious 6 year-old. She and my mother have patiently (grinning and saying "Mmmm" when something is *AWFUL*) tried all of the many elimination diets I have endured over the years, before my diagnosis, and I would love to have this cookbook to be able to give them "joy in the belly!" Thank you for what you do and for living each day for the sheer enjoyment of it!

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Me said...

I have been following her website and twitter. I have tried a couple of her recipes and so far they all seemed to be well accepted by my notoriously picky family (with one exception). I would love to be able to just browse through the cookbook and find recipes for the things I have at home instead of printing them out at work.

At 10:08 AM, Blogger Kassandra said...

Whether I get the cookbook or not, I figured it'd be a good time to let you know I'm reading your blog. I found you through an old Smitten Kitten post about gluten-free financiers and your blog was added to my RSS feed immediately after that. I live in Bangladesh as a teacher at an American school in Dhaka. I've been teaching overseas now for almost 12 years.

I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance this last summer after a horrendous first year in Dhaka, including an overnight stay in a local hospital, my first ever and probably the highlight of that year, except for the diagnosis. Like you, once on the diet, my body very quickly let me know how happy it was with the food I was having. My mind however, was struggling to catch up.

There's actually a small but very supportive group of us here in Dhaka, but two very close friends have been the best.

Carrie, a 'muggle' in our world, is a baker extraordinaire and whenever she gets out of Dhaka, buys different flours to bring back and experiment with. She just can't stand that I can't eat some of the things she bakes, so she finds ways around it. Then there's Sanne, she recently had twins and will be leaving Dhaka for good in July. She's lived many years without gluten and when I returned in August, wondering how I was going to cope without so many of the readily available things in the US, she stepped in and made sure I knew what to do. Our school hosts a breakfast to welcome everyone back to the new school year. I couldn't eat very much of it, Sanne showed up and walked over to me and pulled out 4 pieces of toast she'd made just for us and has done the same at many social events that followed. It makes me cry as I write this.

What would we do without people in our lives to support us? So while I don't know the Pioneer Woman, I will look her up and if I were to be so lucky as to receive a copy of her cookbook, I would present it as a leaving gift to Sanne and go out and buy my own copy.

Thanks for listening and thanks for writing what you do in the way that you do it. It's helping someone far from home learn how to be good to her body.

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Dianna said...

I've heard so much about her blog, but your post here makes me definitely want to read it. And, with a new baby in the house, anything simple and good is appealing!

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Theresa said...

I've recently discovered P-dub and I can't get enough! I want her cookbook SO badly.

Lovely post you made here =]

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Tracie said...

I have been gluten free for only three weeks. I am already feeling the difference as my body heals. Trying to get the hang of cooking and eating gluten free quickly. I discovered Ree a week ago and love what we have seen so far. My 8 year old loves to browse her recipes on her website and help me decide what we can make for dinner. He is learning very quickly what Mama can and cannot eat. He is a sweetheart who has been 100% willing to go gluten free without grumbling so that we can eat the same things together for dinner. This cookbook is on our list to hopefully purchase sometime this year. I love being in the kitchen with my munchkin.

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Mary C. said...

I would like PW's cookbook because as much as I love her blog and keep up with it daily (sometimes mulitiple times so I don't miss anything!)actually having the cookbook in my hot little hands is different. My daughters and I checked out the cookbook at our library, and bought one for a friend as a birthday gift. We had to return the one to the library and the other one (the gift one) sits proudly on my friend's kitchen counter and I long to see one sitting proudly on my kitchen counter, begging to be opened and food splattered on it :) One can wish!
Thanks :)
But maybe do give it to Inquirer, because I really cannot imagine someone NOT loving PW!

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to win the Pioneer Woman cookbook. I was just recently diagnosed with celiac disease and am just beginning to adjust to the gluten-free life, and above all, to cooking everything for myself. I was raised in a home where a can of mushroom soup was an ingredient in 1/3 of the weeks meals. I hardly have a clue about baking and cooking, and a cookbook of simple gluten-free recipes is just what I need.

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Six. I waited SIX hours. I took a short break for dinner in there somewhere, but overall, six hours. Worth it!

I have her cookbook, but still had to comment. :) LOVE PW.

At 10:39 AM, Anonymous Amy said...

So, here's my story.

When I first stumbled upon Ree's blog, Pioneer Woman, I was so entranced that I went back to read EVERY LAST POST so I wouldn't miss out on any recipes, photos, or what have you. This process took more than a few days.

One of the aspects I love most about her site are the recipes. The ones I've attempted have been so mouthwatering delicious that it's difficult to stop at one serving.

I have been a little hesitant to attempt many of her baked goods. I guess my problem was confidence, really. But now that I've read your thoughts, I'm motivated and ready to start baking.

Now, I just need the cookbook...


At 10:51 AM, Anonymous ridgegirl said...

You sold me! I have been a big fan of your blog and PW's for a while now having used recipes from both. I glanced through Ree's book at my local bookstore (they are sold out now) and loved the wonderful rich colors. Thanks for pointing out that we can make GF versions!

At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Michele Albert said...

A story for a cookbook? Sounds fair to me.....

Once upon a time....just teasing....

I would love to have this book. I stumbled across PW's web site a few months back and was caught up in her Black Heels to Tractor Wheels saga. I even tried to make her book signing her in Philadelphia, but I had to work that day. She makes me laugh, and cry, and smile, and sing. I think anyone who brings such joy to others deserves the best life can offer.

The end.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Sus said...

This book looks amazing and I would love to see more of the gluten-free recipes. My mom is recently gluten-free and doesn't experiment too much in the kitched these days, so I try to treat her.

At 10:58 AM, Blogger Green Acres in the City said...

I am such a big fan of hers. I made her cinnamon bun pancakes for shrove tuesday and OH MY> I just substituted pamelas GF baking mix. I have made many of her recipes GF and they work. She cooks like I like to. It is very comforting!

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous said...

I have been following Ree for some months now and I love her writing style. It's fun; it's smart and it do-not-talk-nonsense. For me, it's a new window into real American food. A new culinary experience in a way. However, I can't get myself to make a cauliflower soup that calls for a sauce bechamel in it. Unlike her, I don't live on a ranch where eating 4,000-calories a day can be easily burnt by the daily routine life. I just can't afford all the sugar, eggs, cream and butter she puts into her recipes (and I am French, so I bake with cream and butter).
That said, I'd love to get her book because she is part of the culinary history of this country.

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Helen said...

It would be wonderful to win this... I'm not sure if its going to released here in South Africa. Also I haven't bought a new cookbook in about five years, mainly due to financial reasons. Thank goodness for food blogs! Although I don't cook for a family very often (I'm on my own) or follow a gluten-free diet (I don't have to) I keep coming back to both Ree's site and yours for recipes and inspiration. You both spare a love of life and write delightfully. You both inspire me to get maximum enjoyment out of preparing and eating food. Amen!

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Corrick family said...

I love the Pioneer Woman, and I am deeply in need of inspiration. I had (obviously mistakenly) dismissed her cookbook because I am newly gluten free. I'm still seeking a true diagnosis as I struggle with my thyroid and belly. Finding your site has really been a blessing as it has helped me say yes and quit looking for the things I can't have. Thank you. Danielle

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Sirena said...

Great post Shauna! My library doesn't stock Ree's book, and due to limited resources and space, I do try to test out a book from the library before I invite it to live on our cookbooks shelf, out of respect for our family budget! And, I'd love to win a copy of this book - it looks like it's just good old fashioned good eatin', and none of the sizzle and flash of the TV version of "good eatin'" either :-)

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Terry said...

As a college student, i cant quite afford Ree's new cookbook. i pass it in bookstores and swoon! please be a benefactor for my roomie and me!

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Gluten Free Crumpette said...

Wow! I actually wouldn't have known about The Pioneer Woman without seeing your tweets Shauna! I recently started following her on twitter and reading her blog. Then, I saw her on GMA and she was so cool (as Lu would say)! I have been dying to get this cookbook and now that it has your approval, I know it has to be amazing. I'd love to get this new book and make dishes I can have GF. I love when an amazing cookbook comes out with recipes that can be converted to gluten free easily! Her recent updates to her site have made me want a dog really bad... oh and that chocolate cake photo has me thinking about homemade birthday cake as a kid. Definitely going to make that one! Thanks for the great recipe and your advice on The Pioneer Woman!

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Devon said...

You had me at pancakes, 7 tbsps of flour! Stacked high. I want the cookbook just for that not to mention everything else.

Pancakes make me think of my own love story. I date a baker, a bread baker at that. When I first started spending time with him, little did I know that secretly at home he was trying to learn how to make gluten free pancakes for me. He never told me that until we'd been dating for a few months and I started having a hankering for pancakes. It's cute and sweet. I love that the pioneer woman documented her love story, because I secretly have been too.

At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Kim said...

I adore Pioneer Woman and cook something from her blog at least once a week. Shauna, you said it best when you said it wasn't fancy, but it's good home food. I've had great success and acclaim with her white chicken chili, goat cheeses rolled in dill and smoked paprika and her pot roast! To the commenter from Canada, I'm from Toronto and I see you can buy this book for about $20 on - not sure about availability in stores, but it's definitely on the Canadian Amazon site!

At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Sara said...

Wow, I haven't heard of The Pioneer Woman, and I think this is a book I should have in my repertoire, especially since I have been gluten free for only about a year now and have not invested in a cook book of that specialty yet.

That pineapple upsidedown cake looks amazing, and reminds of my younger days in the mid-west - something I thought I would never have again...

PS, your blog is wonderful, and the photos are inspiring - :)

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Hanna said...

I pretty much want this book because "Gluten-free Girl" has this book... and my daughter is the Celiac in the family and it is hard sometimes to find food that she can eat and we can all enjoy. ;)

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous La Niña said...

Thank you for opening the swinging gate to Pioneer Woman. I just moseyed around her site and plan to spread a picnic blanket soon and hang out.

I, too think of myself as a Pioneer Woman. At least in my head. I, too grew up in a big city named New York, and I went through a black pumps and leather skirt phase. I didn't kiss James Garner, but I sat at a table with him and his family at the Oscars. (I'm not making that up. My dad was nominated for best make-up that year.)

I don't live on a cattle ranch, and I don't have MM as a husband. I have BB, and he came with three boys that have been way more ornery than any cattle. I scraped more than dried cow patties off of the floors of their rooms.

Since BB found out he had Celiac thanks to YT (that would be Yours Truly, as in GFG- Gluten Free Girl herself) we've been living in the frontier of eating gluten free and loving every far-out moment of it.

We do imagine ourselves in our own version of the country at our place on the island- the one near heaven and the Canadian border. We get eggs just laid, and crab just caught by our own hands.

We want to get deeper into the frontier, and Pioneer Woman's book sounds like just the ticket. Plus her voice just rings a bell in my heart- or maybe it's just the dinner bell I hear from across the pasture.

PS- I always, always wanted a horse.

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm new(ish) to the gluten free world and really need a book to help me with dinner for me and my fiance. And the 'homey' element of this book is just want I'd like. Please let me win a copy :o)

At 12:19 PM, Blogger kmdegroot said...

yum yum yum!
i'm fairly new to being gf, but my young daughters love to measure (and spill!) all the flours. so much more fun for them than regular ol' all purpose flour :)

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Brooke said...

I would love to win one of these. I found out recently that I've got Celiac Sprue (I'm 25 with 2 kids and a husband) but I'm a frugal person and it's hard for me to find good recipes without costing me an arm and a leg and also tastes good.

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Aryn said...

I only discovered PW six months ago, and have been in love ever since. But I didn't finally make one of her recipes until she presented her Fancy Mac & Cheese recipe. It was love at first bite. I loved it so much that I made it the first night my husband came home from the hospital as a treat for him. And now he's just come home from the hospital again and I'm making this recipe again. I'd like the cookbook because maybe it's time I tried some of her other treats!

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Emily said...

This is exactly why I cook! My diagnosis, when I was 20, was the best thing that happened to me, because after years of ignoring my body and being sick, I started to cook, and I haven't looked back since. I don't have a Marlboro Man or four punks yet (yes I spent the morning speed reading her blog!), but I cook for the people that I love, to fill them with food that's homemade and fresh and always gluten free. I don't need it to be pretty (fresh homemade food is always pretty) or complicated (simplicity, simplicity, simplicity), I just care that its satisfying. Good food is beneath no one (and if it is, their loss)!

Thank you for the introduction to her website. Oh, and yes, I would love a copy of the book, though I am considering buying it myself if I don't win!

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Tabitha said...

I would love a copy of this. I cannot find it here in my town. I looked in Barnes and Noble right when it first came out but haven't been back since. Maybe it is there now.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Endora said...

Ten copies, what a doll. How splendid of you to embrace another blogger's success. Sisterhood.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Kristin said...

I want a copy of Ree's book because that's the kind of food my husband likes to eat. For years, I thought his "this tastes just like my mother's" was an insult. She was such a plain cook and I tried so hard to be fancy. Now we have three hungry boys to feed, and fancy is OUT. Homey is the ultimate compliment for a dish, I think. I'd love to work my way through them!

At 12:28 PM, Blogger SmartAsh said...

Every single thing you have pictured looks mouth-watering.... I can't wait to see what else it has in store!

At 12:33 PM, Blogger Brandy Jean said...

My youngest son has fallen in love with a lovely, talented, vibrant young woman... who cannot eat gluten, she is a Celiac sufferer..To help her feel welcome in our family and my home I've spent the last 6 months learning how to cook and bake without gluten.I am a simple-Mom-type cook but have long been interested in avoiding chemical additives and pesticides so cooking from scratch is an old friend. I have learned that with enough care, spices and love I can prepare gf foods that are safe for my son's lady and still special enough that the rest of the family is always happy when she comes to visit!

At 12:35 PM, Blogger hooloovoo said...

As I read this post, I was eating pozole in my school's cafe, and I think it's the same sort of food: messy and hearty and tasty. I'd very much like a copy so I can make food like this at home instead of always eating lunch at school.

At 12:41 PM, Blogger Amélie said...

I would love, love, LOVE to get a copy of that book. I've bookmarked it on Amazon, but haven't bought it yet. I read Pioneer Woman's story about how she fell in love with her husband and loved it - I just couldn't get enough.
Now, my life is about to change as well: it looks like I'll be moving from Montreal to Texas! From the city I love to ranch country. I could use some help in the form of new dishes to make! I'll be sure to mention both Gluten-Free Girl and Pioneer Woman on my own food blog if I get her book. :)

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Ebee333 said...

I live in Oklahoma and have followed The Pioneer Woman blog for quite some time. I had never thought about making the recipes gluten-free. :) That chocolate cake looks divine.

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of the Pioneer Woman and would love one of her books. Besides having great recipes, she always ENCOURAGES you and isn't at all snobbish about whatever ingredients she might be using. ("Don't be hating" is one of her expressions..don't you love that?) I'm glad that you have pointed out how so many of her recipes can be adapted for gluten free. My son loves the Toad in a Hole recipe...he calls it Eggy Bread and is one of his favorites. (Made with gluten free bread for those with Celiac.) I wanted so much to see her in Atlanta, but had to work... Thanks again for this post and the chance to win. Kay Guest

At 12:51 PM, Blogger stacey of the north said...

I went GF two years ago, and have had a great time finding foods to eat and enjoy. Like you, I find I bake more than ever before. I'm making better foods, too. I've been reading PW for those two years, and the comforting, homey foods she cooks is the food we love to eat. I can get fancy and braise a lamb shank with the best of them, but her foods and style are what we want to eat every day. Humor, beauty, food. What a great package! I'd love to snuggle in and put post-its in each recipe as well.

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Alison aka Baby B said...

I, too, LOVE the Pioneer Woman! I found Ree's blog randomly (I think Google Reader suggested it under "Recommended Feeds") back in the day.

Between her gardening tips, awesome cooking posts, personal stories, and of course Black Heels to Tractor Wheels... Sigh. Ree is amazing.

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want one!
"Why?" you ask?
Because I haven't seen my lawn for weeks and weeks. Here in Ohio, it's been buried under inches (sometimes feet) of snow. So we have really enjoyed baking and cooking this winter. (Too much, in fact. Now I need an excercise class.) We have experimented so much with gluten free baking (my 10 year old daughter has celiac) because really, it feels wonderful. It is a good thing to be in a warm kitchen that smells of cheese or bacon or chocolate or onions when the weather outside that window has been below freezing for (what seems like) forever.
Can't bike ride. Can't play track ball in the yard. Can't last too long out there sledding. Winter is a time to slow down and play. We have been cooking and baking and playing games while we have batches of things in the oven. It is the best thing to do now. When summer brings 88 degree days, I won't want to do it then!
Thanks for asking,

At 12:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I am newish to the Pioneer Woman and her blog, but do enjoy reading it immensly. So here's our story. I have been cooking and baking gluten and dairy free for about 2 years now. We started as a protocol for healing our son's body and in turn, his Autism. It was the most daunting task in the kitchen I had ever encountered - but I went whole hog and "purged" my kitchen of all gluten and dairy in one day. We relied heavily on staple items like rice and potato at the very start - but it didn't take long to realize that it isn't really that hard. Our son's health has never been better and his is the light in my everyday. Luckily for me, he has an equally amazing little brother and we are expecting a baby girl in June. I am having issues this pregnancy with candida yeast. I have just come home from my midwife / naturopath and she has asked me to get really serious about being gluten and dairy free and as low sugar as possible (including fruit)for at least the next three weeks. Yes - even though my son has been gluten and dairy free for 2 years, my husband and I have been enjoying bits of it here and there. Giving up plain yogurt with berries and homemade granola is not going to be easy. BUT - this baby is worth it. I will do whatever it takes to ensure that she has the best start to life outside of my body as possible.... her brother's have enough issues with food sensitivities to keep me busy anyway!

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Leslie said...

I would love a copy for my friend Karen. Karen met Ree at a book signing but they had run out of books. Ree signed some post it notes but my friend Karen can't find them. Karen bought the book later and gave it to me for Christmas We both love it. I would love a signed book for my friend because Karen is the one who told me about the pioneer woman in the first place. :-)

At 1:01 PM, Anonymous iamchanelle said...

oooooh i would so love a copy of that cookbook!

[times are tight for me and mine, so cookbook purchasing is at a minimum for me.]

i have been reading all your tweets as you have gone through ree's cookbook and i have been so intrigued! i would love to love this cookbook as much as you do. :)
this was a very sweet tribute.


- chanelle

At 1:06 PM, Blogger GFDINER - Kathy said...

I love the Pioneer woman and have made several of her recipes. Oh so good. I would love to win a book. I'm unemployed right now and money is tight.

PS - Thanks Teacher. My new blog is up and running.
kathy b from colorado

At 1:09 PM, Blogger TJ said...

Myself and my five daughters have been following the Pioneer Woman for many years now. We've tried lots of things off of her blog. We are fans through and through, and I hope they become as good of cooks and as nice as she is.

Thanks for your blog, too, my mom was diagosed with Celiac disease 4 year ago, and I appreciate the things I learn here.

How nice of you both to do a giveaway.

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Wow, I had no idea that the recipes of The Pioneer Woman would so easily translate to gluten free living. I am excited!! I would love a copy to see if they were still just as wonderful both gluten free and dairy free as I need them to be!!

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Erica said...

Pioneer Girl saw her life the way she was suppose to live. Get out to the city, careers, fancy shoes and all. Then she met someone. He changed her life the way she never imagined possible. Completely different than what she dreamed of herself, but much better. I'm in the same boat. Not that I've met a cowbow in a bar... but I've also made a leap of faith. Listened to my heart. I'm getting married.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Sam said...

I am ashamed to admit I recently discovered Ree thanks to your link a few months back. I love her. I love her straight shooting and unpretentious air. And all her food looks amazing. I would love this book to learn more about her and her cooking.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Cannon & Henry said...

I don't have a great story, other than that one of my favorite things is to make my husband's belly happy. He has been gluten-free for a couple of years and it has helped him tremendously, although his insides still aren't right and he is plagued by all sorts of physical ailments. And everyday he goes to a job that is slowly deflating his spirit... and while we are grateful for that job we would also love to tell it to go away! So everyday he puts on his brave face and goes out into the world and I wish I could do anything to make it better. And always what I come back to is that I can make his belly happy.

Your writing and recipes have helped me to do that more than once, and I'm sure the Pioneer Woman would as well!

Thank you!

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need this book because I don't have internet in my apt (writting this from work). Ree's cookbook would be a handy crutch until I get back on my feet and it would make for a great safety blanket in the kitchen. Her recipes are never-fails.


At 1:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The best part of cooking is making satisfying food that can be shared and enjoyed. Ree seems to have mastered that, and her enthusiasm is infectious!

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Once upon a time there was a beautiful gluten-free fairy princess living in Nashvilltopia. Unlike the original gluten-free girl, the gluten-free fairy princess didn't have a professional chef willing to cook dinner for her whenever she asked nicely. Instead, she has a hungry boyfriend who slices open the plastic and dumps the "boil-in-a-bag" rice into the pot instead of just following the directions. But that's for another story. This gluten-free fairy princess had dreams of being the best little cook she could possibly be. She cooked and cooked, ruining most dishes but having a blast every second of it! Until one day... she realized that she had tried almost EVERY desirable dish in the cookbooks stacked in her kitchen. So she came here, to the land of Blogtopia to enter a contest in hopes of winning a brand new, very scrumptious looking cookbook.

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Bren said...

Here's my story...

I discovered Ree's website just a few short weeks ago while searching for an apple dumpling recipe similar to the one my mamaw(that's grandmother to Southerners like myself) used to make. As a child, I have fond memories of her kitchen. All of the kids were shooed to the back part of the room away from the table and stove where the adults cooked and gossiped. In the back part of the room, there was a huge deep freeze(another Southern-ism). We'd sit on it and around it when Mamaw had pies cooling on it, waiting until supper was ready. My favorite was always her chicken and dumplings and for dessert...her apple dumplings. So in my search, I found The Pioneer Woman website. Not only are her apple dumplings similar to the ones I remember eating in my sweet Mamaw's kitchen as a child, but I fell in love with her writing style, her straightforward humor, her real life anecdotes, and of course....all of the wonderful droolworthy recipes. I quickly devoured every single word on her site...couldn't stop reading Black Heels to Tractor Wheels and stayed up until 3am one morning to finish...and have used one of her recipes 3-4 nights a week since discovering her. My 4 picky eaters(3 kids and 1 husband) have not complained once, but scarfed down every bite on their plates. I've also gained about 7lbs but we don't need talk about that part of the deal...after all, low-calorie = low-taste, right?

And that's it...I first visited her site for the apple dumplings and stayed because of her down home recipes and infectious personality. I'd love to have one of Ree's cookbooks, extra pounds be damned.

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to win the book as the Pioneer Woman's website has opened up a whole different world to me through her wonderful photography, writing and character that I didn't know existed in the US. Her food, in particular tells a story that I had not heard before, of ranches and isolation in the country and the legacy of many a pioneer cook.

I won't have much show of finding her book here in New Zealand either so winning might be my only chance of trying her recipes.

PS. I'll pay for postage!

At 1:31 PM, Blogger jamillikan said...

My boyfriend and I started dating 5 years ago. Through him, I've discovered a love for food and cooking. When I was diagnosed with celiac disease last summer, the thing I feared the most was that living gluten-free would make it harder for us to enjoy cooking and food together. Turns out my interest and passion for food has only increased, and my wonderful boyfriend is excited to find new recipes and restaurants that we can both enjoy! I know that we would have a ball with this cookbook!

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Christan = ) said...

I have never heard of the Pioneer Woman, but it truly sounds like something I've been looking for in a cookbook.
We have had to scale back again as my son reacts to foods and he is having emotional issues again. He is very sensitive to foods and I've learned that getting back to nature and home-cooking helps him the most.
I've been a fan of your blog since you started and now it looks like I'm gonna have more good reading!
Thanks for sharing with us! I would love to try out her cookbook.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

I love the Pioneer Woman blog, and would love to get my hands on Ree's cookbook.

I'm moving out to L.A. this summer, and will be living on my own for the first time ever. I'm trying to prepare by picking up cooking supplies and cookbooks as I go. I can't wait to start cooking beyond the occasional pasta dish!

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

Your post just sold me on this book. I need it.

I love to cook but my husband is insanely picky. Picky in a way that fits Ree's cooking. Meat, potatoes, pasta, sandwiches. My husband should be a cowboy.

I love the connection that Ree's cooking ignites.

At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Sarah - Celiac in the City said...

We don't do gifts for Valentine's Day anymore, the first year yes, but now we just cook. Really good food. Each year.

This year, while we were out store hopping to find ingredients for saffron rice and scallops, my guy decided we should do a little something this year. The book store. We would each pick a book and gift it to each other.

I had Pioneer Woman's book in one had and The Butcher and the Vegetarian in the other. Because my guy was getting a cookbook, we decided on Tara's book that trip. The book I picked is great, but after seeing her recipes and writing on her site and following her witty tweets, I should have picked them both.

So this is fate. A signed copy even. That would be perfect.

(another great post Shauna... every time!)

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Ellen said...

admittedly, i've written off Ree's food in the past. her blog is entertaining and fun to read, but the food she cooks just isn't my kind of food (for one, i eat relatively little meat). that said, everyone needs a solid cake recipe and i love some good comfort food as much as anyone, so i am looking forward to giving this book a second look!

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Linda said...

I love P-Dub!! I loved her bog before I was diagnosed with Celiac, and I still love it now. And I love yours since it's helped me figure out how to convert my favorite things to gluten-free. I've been meaning to uy this cookbook, and I'm thrilled to know that so many of the recipes were so easy to make gluten-free. I'd love to win a signed copy!

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Carolyn Young said...

Joy in the belly is certainly what it's all about! My 17 yr old daughter can make just about anything gf, and she gives many people joy in the belly. The many GF people at our church have come to recognize her 12 inch cake plate at potluck which almost always has a triple layer cake with the yummiest frosting she can think of that week. She volunteers at a local conference once a year, coordinating with the caterer and preparing substitutes for all the menu items that various staff cannot eat. I am very proud of her and I think she would enjoy this cookbook a great deal. Thank you for telling us about it.

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I was turned on to the Pioneer Woman several months ago by some good friends. I find her recipes some of the easiest to adapt to gluten free cooking I have ever made, mostly because they are Real Food! In fact I made the Barbque meatballs last night, subsituting quinoa flakes for oats and rice milk for regular milk, for a gluten free dairy free version. They were fabulous with her tangy sauce, similar to what my grandmother used to put on her meatloaf. They were delicious and healthy!

Thanks to Shauna and Ree!

At 2:13 PM, Blogger iheartnewyork said...

I've been a fan of Pioneer Woman since near the beginning of her site too. I love that you cooked gluten free from her cookbook -- now I really want this cookbook so I can try it myself! :)

At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I love your blog Shauna. Most awesome recipes ever. I really love Pioneer Womans also & read her site every day & drool. I've been wanting to buy a book since they came out but have never got around to it. I would love one of the famous books down here at the bottom of the world in New Zealand.

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Christina said...

While I have heard of her, (who hasn't?) I've never even been to her web site! I'll have to check it out. The cake looks fabulous. I'd love to win the cookbook and get to know her and her cooking. BTW, you've inspired me to get a scale. It should arive anytime. Thanks!

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Krys72599 said...

Just pointed my stepdaughter over to your blog, Shauna; her 1/2-sister was just diagnosed as gluten-intolerant. The dr told my stepdaughter that even though she tested negative, there's a better than average chance she might have gotten a false negative result and that she should try a gluten-free diet for herself.
I LOVE Ree and I would LOVE to give her cookbook to my daughter - especially if her recipes easily convert to gluten-free - she's not a fancy eater, plain ole' meat and potatoes do her well, or a big plate of pasta!
PLEASE pick my daughter to get a Pioneer Woman cookbook!

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Torey said...

Hmmm, a story. Well, I've been reading you about the same amount of time that I've been reading PW. My daughter has celiac and we've been gluten free about 18 months. At the moment my husband is very underemployed so there is simply no room in our meager budget for a new cookbook, but I'd love, love, love a copy of the PW cookbook. At least we can have joy in the belly even if we don't have joy in the bank right?

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Lisa in Ontario said...

I've been gluten-free since discovering my Celiac in November, and going nuts since then trying to learn replacement recipes for all the comfort foods I grew up with.

I was raised on a "hobby" farm, meaning it was a working farm but the income came from elsewhere (Dad's job). We raised our own cattle, hogs and chickens all the way through slaughtering them in the fall. A job I always managed to make myself absent for!

The reward for the day's labor was a huge freezer full of amazing, grass-fed beef, pork, and poultry. And I had the audacity to assume everyone ate like that. Alas.

Now that I have my own farm and two young children to bring up, I am scrambling for the recipes my folks fixed back then. Why has Mom never written them down? Many were from the memory banks of the town butcher and his wife, long since gone. And others just got lost as we quit raising the food and started buying it.

Just to see the photos in Ree's book would be a rush! I can't wait to see the recipes and apply them to my new life. And I would so love to teach my city-boy husband the joys of eating food not out-of-the-box as his mother has always done. I've won him over to pot roast, but aaah, the universe of real food is waiting. I don't know where to start!

At 2:24 PM, Blogger KelseyLynn said...

I was diagnosed as a celiac 2 years ago now. My father however was diagnosed 14 years ago so it wasn't a huge adjustment for me. I already knew the basics of the diet and my family can cook for it with their eyes closed.

However, now I've moved out and my cooking skills aren't what my mom's are, nor do I possess her impressive collection of recipes. Thus why I know read so many gluten-free blogs. Difficulties are multiplied during the summers for me when I work at a historic pioneer village. All my co-workers spend their days baking fresh bread in wood burning stoves, while I get to smell their goodies and make the same soups day after day.

All I can say is that this book could be a life-saver. I can see myself making that skillet cornbread already. Yum!

At 2:24 PM, Blogger Dogmama13 said...

Hi Shauna, I look forward to your blog every week. I bought kale because of the Little Bean picture with it on her hands. I am determined to like kale but have not found the key yet. I think this will be the preparation that helps me out. I would love the Pioneer Woman's cookbook. I read her account of meeting her husband over one weekend. I was hooked. Thank you for the offer.

At 2:26 PM, Blogger H-Mama said...

Well, I must have been living under a rock because I'm just learning of The Pioneer Woman; however, I am somewhat new to blogdom as well. Why would I want a copy? Does everyone else have the 'what do you want for dinner' question every. single. night? Her food looks delish!

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Sallie said...

I want one because like everyone I am enamoured of Ree! She is so cool, hip, fun, witty, kooky and normal like the rest of us. Thank you for this great post.

At 2:29 PM, Blogger jencroley said...

I'm not much of a storyteller, but I think I could create a story from this book by trying new recipes with my daughter. She and I are new to being gluten-free. I do like to cook and bake, but I have been a little gun-shy about trying new recipes since we went gluten-free. I'm starting to adapt recipes to be gluten-free, and this sounds like a great book to try out.

At 2:29 PM, Blogger Lee Ann said...

I want the Pioneer Woman cookbook because I just read your review of it. After reading that review, I don't know how I can cook another meal in the kitchen w/out that book. Hope I win... or we might starve!

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I never thought that PW's cookbook might have gluten-free recipes, wow! Sounds great!

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Sally Anderson said...

I would love this book. I've copied recipes her blog and it would be nice not to have all these individual pieces of paper. Think of the trees I'd save by having the book! I think she's a wonderful writer, real and honest and funny. Thanks for making these available (thanks to both you & Ree).

At 2:44 PM, Blogger ani said...

so i have to say, that you even mentioning that you were cooking from pioneer woman's blog made me finally go and check it out. i have heard of her or seen references to her many a time and finally checked out her blog. thanks for that...i look forward to receiving (is that optimism or what?) her cook book so i can convert recipes and sigh with joy. :)

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

I'm a fan of the PW website, but had not ordered the book because my son and dh are gluten (and casein) free. I thought we couldn't eat her amazing food, and drooling over her recipes, not being able to eat them, was too cruel.

I'd be happier than Charlie in a stocked turtle pond if I could use recipes combining the talents of two of my favorite food bloggers (you and Ree) to make yummy food my adorable men can eat.

Thanks for considering us!

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Kristi Wodek said...

Shauna...I have been a fan of both of you for quite some time. Your tweets this week about Ree's cookbook and recipes have had my mouth watering. You are both so talented at cooking/baking and writing. You both are also give us hope that we too can cook up a belly full of goodness, that we can be in touch with our land and our souls and ourselves. Thank you ladies....for your generosity, for sharing and for inspiring!!!!

At 3:16 PM, Blogger Jones said...

Confession: I didn't know about the Pioneer woman until I read about her here, from you. But here's the thing: I already know she's kindred, because you are (pioneer-er, you). 7 years with Ulcerative Colitis, GF for 5 (not that it erases the symptoms, alas) and a 3 month old baby sleeping in a sling as I write. Lately symptoms have been hard, but this is actually a story about redemption. I come here to remember how I'm in love with food, even when my guts are screaming, and to pass on this love to the little one asleep right here. I have a hunch this book will help.

At 3:26 PM, Blogger carolinagirl79 said...

Okay, here's my story...

Once there was a dorky girl from Carolina, totally Clueless, who despaired of ever getting married. But she found the man of her dreams at 33 and adopted 2 lovely kids from China who in prepubescent growth spurts and eat every 1/2 hours.

The man came from a family of 6 boys and 1 girl and his mom had 7 meals that she cooked. They were cooked each week on the same day. Meat Loaf Tuesday, etc.

The man still only likes simple, plain food.

The tiny princesses are always hungry and I believe that if I slaughtered roadkill and dressed it up with some thyme and parsley they would eat it.

So I need some simple recipes that I can feed my hungry family.

Thanks, Lorrie

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Jeannie said...

Well I would SO love this cookbook because you are my 2 favorite writers AND my 2 favorite cooks!!! I have been gluten free for 3 or 4 years. At first I thought I would starve! Silly me! This year, you two saved my Thanksgiving dinner with my father, who flew in just for the weekend! EVERYTHING was a hit! (Especially the turnip casserole. WOW!) And he only knew any of it was gluten free if he remembered that that is what I eat. And I would like this book because it would then be from BOTH of you! How cool would THAT be!?!

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You give me hope.

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Janice said...

I would love a cookbook with recipes that easily convert to GF. I have had more misses than hits with baking lately.

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Josh and Gloriana said...

I love Ree's blog and started reading it at about the same time I started reading yours! I got addicted to food blogs when I lived in Paris and had to make dinner for my french family (I was an au pair- ooh lala) every night! I needed recipes- a lot of them! I would love to have her actual book in my kitchen.

At 4:29 PM, Blogger OUB said...

You turned me on to Ree when you tweeted or blogged about her Thanksgiving post, and I've been hooked ever since.

You both are such inspirations to me ... sharing your lives and passions! I already have your first book ... owning her's would be wonderful!

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Lauren Terry said...

Bakerella made this exact same cake and I wanted to try eating it before I had to go gluten free so now it is a must!!! I don't know how amazing my story will be but here goes. Last semester was one of the hardest I have ever been through, and on the outside it should have been one of the best. I was up for homecoming queen at my university, I had an amazing internship, and I was half way through my undergrad! But instead I struggled to find the energy and motivation to make it through each day and I was sick all of the time! I was miserable and didn't understand why. I was always the girl full of energy and ready for whatever life could throw at me, and there I was feeling defeated and ready to collapse. To finish this long story I was diagnosed with celiacs, and my life was turned upside down. I was feeling 10x better, but I had to change the way that I had been doing things for the last 20 years of my life. I have loved being in the kitchen since a young age, and I had to rethink how I had always done things. New ideas for what to make in the kitchen and new challenges to find ways to make things gluten free are always exciting and I believe that that's what this cookbook would provide! Thanks for your blog it is always an inspiration, both in life and in the kitchen :)

At 4:49 PM, Blogger TaDa said...

I love Ree! Her writing style is like a pair of worn in jeans, and her cooking is the simple down home style that I love!

At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love a copy of this book - I've been suffering from long term health issues for several years which impact hugely on my energy levels. Often I have don't have the energy to cook at all (and I'm wheat intolerant - which isn't the cause of my main health issues) and the next best thing is to curl up with a cook book and look at pretty pictures of yummy food and dream about the days when I could just decide to bake and do it or have friends drop around and I'd produce a wonderful meal for us all from whatever was in the house. I do still manage to cook occasionally and her food sounds wonderful from what you've said, being in the UK I hadn't heard of her until now.


At 5:00 PM, Anonymous Cydni Montgomery said...

I'm so glad I found your blog! I have MS, and have been gluten-free for the last 18 months, due to advise from a naturapath. Thanks for the fantastic inspiration!

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Marisa said...

I love baking things for my gluten-eating friends and having them tell me they are some of the best baked goods they've ever eaten! I love proving that gluten-free can be more delicious than store-bought snacks.

At 5:14 PM, Anonymous Ellie White-Stevens said...

This week, after catching chicken pox (yes, really, 33-year-old me), I had a big client pull their project. I am a therapeutic baker. And so last night I made gluten-free pineapple upside down cake. And it was "meh." That's counter-productive to my pink polka poxed psyche (that's what happens when stress meets calamine lotion.) So I'm looking for a better way. I would love to have Ree's cookbook.

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Neha said...

I would like this cookbook, not so much for myself as for my husband. Because we are opposites. He will eat only because he needs to eat. And couldn't care less about it. He just doesn't see or feel about food and ingredients the way I do. And, I so do want him to experience this joy in life.
Given the way you, Shauna, have described and talked about the Pioneer Woman's Cookbook, makes me feel I can bring about some change in my husband. For the better.
I know this isn't a story about why I would like the cookbook, but it is my life's story.
Maybe the true story will begin once I begin cooking from this book!

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Thank you Shauna, for your loving review of this book. I haven't yet confirmed that I have a gluten-intolerence with my doctor, but so far I feel way better when I don't eat gluten. It's been a struggle though. Finding people like you and Ree really make enjoying life and food easier. Hopefully this book will inspire me to feel joy about food again.

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous annie said...

I like reading Ree's blog and recipes because it is home cooking, but raised a notch. Most of her recipes call for ingredients that most people have in their pantry, and are not difficult to assemble. She seems very down to earth; actually her whole family seems very hardworking and close, which we do not always see in today's society. Have to convert the recipes to gluten free, though.

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Sally Parrott Ashbrook said...

When I went gluten-free, I gave away some of my cookbooks. When I quit eating processed food, I gave away more. When we moved across the country in December, I gave away even more. I don't regret giving away most of them, but I do have a whole empty shelf on my cookbook bookshelves now. (Um, yes, I have a whole set of bookshelves for cookbooks. I imagine lots of you do, too?) So I'd love Ree's cookbook to read (probably my favorite activity with many cookbooks), cook from, and keep on that currently empty shelf.

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Lisa said...

I made Ree's chocolate sheet cake for my son's 4th b-day party. We served it in the park with chocolate chip ice cream (milk, water, tea and coffee only on the side -- a very easy party) and it disappeared in no time, enjoyed by adults and kids alike! Some friends are still talking about it. I read both your and her sites regularly and would love a copy of her cookbook.

At 5:54 PM, Blogger +jennifer+ said...

I am so in your debt for recommending Ree's love story. I read it all at once this morning, laughing and crying as the sun came up over the Hudson out my window.
I am also in love with your book, which I loaded on my iPhone using the Kindle app, which totally screws up the formatting, but can't harm your beautiful prose. You and Ree are artists. I am so grateful that you share yourselves with us so generously.

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Mari said...

I have been following Ree's blog for a couple of years now and hae tried lots of her recipes from her site!! Would love to get her book to add to my collection !! :o)

At 5:59 PM, Blogger JMaC said...

I had never heard of The Pioneer Woman until I read your post this morning. And, I immediately went over to her site and started reading. And started idolizing. She really embodies the type of woman I'd like to be when I finish growing up (I'm 25 this year).

I truly believe that a girl can be all things, so to speak if she wants to. I'm going to start law school this fall. I'm going to be a lawyer.

That being said, I'm also an avid chef/baker in my own home - often making mostly gluten free items (as I'm gluten sensitive). Most of those items are derived from books like Ree's - not necessarily written for us gluten-free folk, but easily adapted. I'm also a knitter. A crazy avid knitter. And I sew. I like sports. I play sports (rugby). I like to think of myself as well rounded and self-educated in all things important.

I don't think that the "home arts" are incompatible with being a "career woman". I also don't think that the "home arts" are an all female venue.

I'd really like the book because I'd like to add to my collection of cook books, as well as to add to my collection of books by people I admire.

At 6:02 PM, Blogger Mari said...

i love Ree...I have been following her blog for a couple of years and have tried many of her recipes!!! Would love to add her book to my collection and try my hand at converting some to gluten free!!

At 6:21 PM, Blogger Lois said...

A friend across the country stood in line for hours with her two year old, met Ree, and got a cookbook signed for me. Oooooh—how lucky am I to have such a friend!

Please do post more of your modifications of her recipes. I've finally reached some level of freedom in my gf baking, but having your help in specific recipes from Ree's book would be amazing!

At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading about the success stories of food bloggers, especially as I'm just starting out myself. I also have to feed a hungry man who loves home cooked meals. I think this book would be perfect for him.

At 6:47 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

Like you, PW's all about expressing her love for her family by feeding them well. Who wants cake that's too pretty to eat? Shlumpiness rules!

At 6:58 PM, Blogger Concerned Commune Member said...

Those biscuits look incredible.

At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Pinky L. said...

I love Ree and her blog and would love to try and convert some of those recipes to gluten free.

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

Ooooh, I've been waiting for "my turn" with this book from my local library. I think I'm still number 49 or so.
I first found her site when you linked to her cinnamon rolls. Shortly after, her chicken parmesan caught my eye and now I'm contemplating leaving my home and asking if I can work on her ranch, just to be near her kitchen. Somehow, I think my true love and my little ones would prefer I just get the cookbook!

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Stargirl said...

I am a new PW fan, but I really like her stuff. I especially like her love story! I haven't had the courage to convert too many recipes yet, because they seem too complicated. The recipes that I made from the PW site seem so easy to convert, but I simply forgot about it... I hope I win this book and some courage to experiment!

Thanks for offering such a great giveaway. And for the cool Pioneer Woman for offering even more goodness!

At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had so much fun in the past couple of years making all kinds of recipes that never would have graced my family's table growing up. I've enjoyed making foods I'd never heard of, seen, or tasted before for the challenge and excitement of it all. Now I have moved in with a man who will tolerate all my kitchen experiments, but really only asks for hearty home-cooked meals. I've spent all my time learning these fancy dishes, and missed the homey ones. So, please enter me into the draw... I have a feeling Pioneer Woman will have quite a bit to off my guy and me in getting back to our roots in home cooking.

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Katie said...

I love the fact that I started reading The Pioneer Woman before she was "famous." She always put a smile on my face, and inspired me to get in the kitchen...and she still does, even though I haven't bought her cookbook yet. I am a country girl at heart so I think that's why I relate to her and her recipes so much.

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Kirstine said...

She heaved a sigh and slumped down on the couch. It had been one of those weeks. Fortunately the twins were sleeping...finally. Now to convince the three year old that day time naps were fun. It was sunny outside, the perfect day for a long walk. The perfect day for a picnic. Her mouth started salivating when she imagined the picnic food...blackberry cobbler or maybe pineapple upside down cake. That would have to wait, for now. She stood up and went into the kitchen and put her apron on. Dinner was not going to cook itself.

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

A story, eh .. Well ... it turns out that my life has led me down the path to single motherhood. Don't get me wrong, I love it, I truly do. My kids are my world, however, I have to work. Alot. Much more than I might like but it is a necessity in order to support them and raise them. Lately, my work has taken on a life of its own. I set my alarm hours before anyone else is up and go to bed long after everyone else is snoring. I know that I need to start feeding my kids, and myself much better than CiCi's pizza but really, it seems like just another daunting task that I can't wrap my head around or find the time to do. Recipes that are simple and good are just what I need right now!

At 9:03 PM, Blogger haphy81 said...

My worlds are colliding! I was just finishing my daily reading of Pioneer Woman when I moved on over to your blog (which started me on blog reading back in... 2006). Anyway, I moved on over here and you, you are talking about her too! I don't know why it's a surprise that you too would read and love Pioneer Woman but of course you do (and now that I think about it I think I must have found her blog through your old list of blogs that you read and love, is it possible?)! First I read the story of how you and the chef met and fell in love and that is how I became addicted to blog reading, (I only really read three but hey, it takes a lot of time!) Then I read PW's meeting of Marlboro Man and that got me hooked to her and her life and the rest is history and now, synchronicity!
I don't usually post comments and instead of wanting to win a cookbook I actually have something to say! I'm writing because actual tears came to my eyes when I read that Ree offered ten more cookbooks to your giveaway. I can't believe it makes me cry that my two favorite bloggers are friends (friends in the virtual sense that blogging makes us know eachother so well!)
The other reason it means so much is because reading Pioneer Woman Cooks is a little tortuous since I know most of the recipes I can't make or eat (CF GF vegetarian!). So, thank you for translating her sheet cake. I've been curious about I just have to figure out what to do with out the necessary 3 sticks of butter! You and Pioneer Woman are definitely butter-lover-sisters.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

As a newcomer to gluten free living we would love a copy of this book!

Our story started this January and is a harrowing tale of four emergency room visits, six pediatrician visits, two hospital admissions, multiple x-rays, CT scans, biopsies, IVs, and countless blood tests on our four year old son. Four weeks later we had a diagnosis of celiac disease. We are now home and settling into the idea of changing the way we eat-and in a lot of ways-live. I've found your recipes inspiring, and sometimes, I'll admit, a little daunting. I know it will take time, but I could use all the help I can get.

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Allison the Meep said...

Ever since you started mentioning this book on Twitter, and the recipes you were making out of it, I immediately wanted a copy. I'm such a sucker for a good cookbook.

Our family rarely eats out at restaurants. Partly because it's risky to gamble my health on the whims of a kitchen staff that's uneducated in gluten-free cooking, and partly because it's crazy expensive and we just don't have the cash lying around right now to eat like that. So we cook all our meals at home, and have a fantastic time together as a little family. When I hear about a cookbook like this, I get so excited that I'll be able to make new dishes at home and mix things up a little.

At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Cheryl Day said...

I love all the help I've gotten from yours and the other gluten free has even inspired me to try converting some of my favorite recipes. I tried my favorite baking powder biscuit recipe and it was a success! So much better then my first try at drop biscuits. They kneaded, cut and rose perfectly. Thanks for the inspiration and all the work you have done converting recipes.

At 9:48 PM, Blogger Kelly Sweazea said...

I love Ree too! My husband also grew up on a cattle ranch, but chose not to carry on in the family business. Raised a "city girl" I am amazed by the beauty of the family ranch and could take pictures for hours. Of course then someone inevitably asks "why are you taking pictures of cows?" Oh well!

I would love to make some of these recipes for my escapee cowboy! :)And thank you for all your GF recipes! I can't WAIT for your cookbook! My whole family will get them for Christmas!

At 10:01 PM, Blogger Deaira Dea said...

I love tasty kitchen! I love everything about her blog i've just recently found her blog but its quickly become one i read every day first gluten free girl, then The pioneer woman. I happened upon it because all of my other favorite foodie blogs started talking about this pioneer woman... better late than never Wouldn't wanna miss out on all the belly job laughs and fun her blog inspires!

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Cathy Reaves said...

I love TPW!! I have that cookbook and it's so great. How are the braised short ribs anyway? I've been too afraid because they typically are difficult to make well.

At 10:11 PM, Blogger Jes said...

I love PW. She just seems like such a sweet lady. I love reading her blog, and I cook her recipes very frequently. Haven't been disappointed yet!

At 10:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

So I'm sitting here at my computer listening to the traffic outside our cookie-cutter townhouse which sits at the corner of two busy streets thinking how great it would be to have some country back in my life. Who doesn't want to live on the open range, surrounded by nothing but nature??? Crickets instead of the thumping of that stupid car's bass (!), lightening bugs instead of blinding street lamps, and acres of land instead of postage stamps of grass. I think a biscuit, gravy, and maybe chocolate cake could certainly satisfy this fantasy, right???

At 10:54 PM, Blogger TB said...

First, I love Ree's blog. My favorite recipe is for those smashed potatoes (I remember the taste, but not what they are called). Whenever I want the belly joy of cooking up some love for me or for others, I head straight to the Pioneer Woman. Her blog is a uniter in that all kinds of different women in my life, women I never thought would be into the same kinds of things, all read and love her. She makes me feel oddly adventurous and safe at the same time. And not just regarding cooking. Before I headed out for a trip to NYC, I read about her own trip and I felt like it was all going to be okay.

But there's more. My 100 year old grandmother died recently (Grew up on a farm. Cooking specialty, leg of lamb). The next day, I found myself entering a random raffle, and I thought to myself, "If I win, it will be a message from Grandma." I dismissed that immediately as shallow, but then, you'll guess, I won! It was silly, of course, or was it? The next day I told my Mom about it, and she laughed/cried and said, and I swear I didn't know this, "Your grandma was the queen of raffles! She loved nothing better, and she won them all the time."

But there's more. I told my sister, still sort of sheepish to be even discussing this sort of thing (our grandmother was a practical, religious woman), and she said, "Oh my god, I won two raffles last week! I've never won one before." (Did Grandma like her better?) Last week, she won another. I don't know what's going on here, but a) I'd love this cookbook, and b) I'd love to have the chance to call the family and remind everyone that grandma is still saying hi. There will be tears. The good kind.

At 10:54 PM, Blogger kateherself said...

I just started reading The Pioneer Woman's website. I didn't even know there was a book. Now that I'm spending more time with my parents, I am really enjoying cooking for them. I would love to be able to make them some of these "belly-tested" meals. It's the best kind of eating.

At 11:43 PM, Blogger Deanna said...

The Pioneer Woman taught me to use photoshop :-) Then I discovered the rest of her blog and I've been hooked for years now. I'd love to win a copy of this cookbook - I saw it at a friend's house last week, and thought it was a beautiful book and added it to my "must buy" list.

My fingers are crossed!

At 11:44 PM, Blogger Ellemay said...

Replace the cocoa in the cake with cinnamon and you have something different but equally as delicious.

Just finished eating her chicken pot pie....

At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the Pioneer Woman, she always cracks me up :) I'm so glad you adapted some of her baked goods - bless you! I think I'll be making more pancakes this weekend.

At 1:31 AM, Blogger Yakov said...

Oh, I so enjoy Ree's food photography. My husband would enjoy any cookbook that entices me away from my usual vegan/ vegetarian cooking- anything with steak will do it for him!

At 5:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

My 3 yr old was sitting on my lap as I was reading your post. We loved the pancakes and the cake, but when he said, "Mommy, there is my name!" and pointed to "DAMN, that cake is good", I said, "no, not quite your name, Oscar."
We would love this book, it is the way I like to cook, simple and homey.
Another great post, thank you!

At 6:16 AM, Blogger kirsten said...

I loved Ree's "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels." Couldn't get enough. I discovered it while at work one day and was tearing through it on my lunch breaks...
I would love to have her book in my kitchen. My husband grew up on a farm, and then spent 6 years active duty Army. He loves the hearty, "joy in the belly" foods, and I love to feed him. It would be great to add some new options to our menu!

At 6:20 AM, Blogger Ginger Penny said...

I just love both of your websites. I haven't had much trouble converting Pioneer Woman's recipes to GF but haven't tried her baked products. A favorite of mine is her Fancy Macaroni. I make a big batch of it and freeze it into squares for my lunch at work. I would love to win her cookbook!

At 6:20 AM, Blogger Leah said...

I also love reading Pioneer Woman's blog. I actually just made her parmesan risotto and her skillet apple cake for a dinner party and my guests loved it! I've enjoyed reading her honest comments about her life, her family, and her cooking. She seems to be a "back to the basics" kind of girl who values family and food, and I identify with that. I'd love to have a copy of her cookbook to experiment with all her fabulous recipes!

At 6:32 AM, Blogger Pencildancers said...

My cowboy is a landscaper, a hungry one who is not GF, sadly I am the cook and I am--must be GF. I bring things to the table and though he tries to hide it I see him wince.

I used to make great dinners, man dinners (I had three boys) and now the poor man gets an imitation of the food he used to love and it tastes--well it lacks taste.

I'd love to make my landscaper a happy hubby again.

At 6:37 AM, Blogger Sacha said...

The Pioneer Woman, since stumbling across her blog, has become an inspiration to me. Though we have lived opposite lives (me having grown up in the country and moved to the city to become an ‘accidental city girl’) her stories, insights, successes and failures have given me the energy to pursue what I am interested in. Living in the middle of a massive city, it is so easy to become ungrounded and forget where I came from, but Ree, and her blog, is a daily reminder of how far I have come and never to forget what my roots taught me!

On top of it all, her recipes are all delicious and I am so happy to hear that the gluten-free conversions have been victorious thus far! Can’t wait to try more of them.

At 7:18 AM, Blogger Meg said...

I don't dip my toes the blogosphere world very often and have never heard of The Pioneer Woman. Strange how someone you've never heard of can feel so familiar. My Great Grandmother was raised on a farm in South Dakota. Lucky for me, I had the pleasure of knowing her for the first six years of my life. Your pictures and words brought me right back to a time when I remember that specific "joy in the belly" cooking. I would love to own a copy of this book so that I can recreate the feeling for me and my family.

At 7:25 AM, Blogger Tai said...

I love Ree! I too have been reading for so so long. When her cookbook came out I was so excited. Then I found out I was insulin resistant, and know how Ree cooks I thought I probably would not be able to have many of her dishes. Then we discovered that my daughter has Celiac. I am so new to all of this that I don't know how to take a standard recipe and convert it to be gluten free. I don't understand the flours. I want to know. I want to make Ree's dishes, for the rest of my family at least.
I don't know how she does it all. Cook, blog, write a cook book, remodel the Lodge and home school? I am just trying to keep my family fed and home school...the home school part has been lacking as a result! I have to figure out how to cook gluten free and make my family happy to eat it. Right now, I bake/cook and no one eats. So discouraging.

At 7:32 AM, Blogger MsJess said...

Count me in as a total PW fangirl. It's uncanny how often she posts a recipe for something I was thinking about cooking. I check her website nearly everday.

that said I wasn't overjoyed by her cookbook, as I had issues with the step by step instructions. I wished she had included more recipes in the book, she has such a wide repetiore of recipes and I think she could have included more of them from her blog, especiallyt the desert sections seemed week. I ended up giving it to a friend as a Christmas present. (friend has raved about it and cooked many recipes from the book) I also up about 20 sticky notes so my friend who know all the recipes I liked and recommended.

And how sad and foolish it is that some of your twitter-followers would call PW beneath you and Danny. Who needs that kind of snobbery? Ree's recipes are really good, and as you said belly tested. Ree inspired me to plant parsley in my garden after she waxed poetic so many times about fresh herbs and I will always be in her eternal debt for introducing me to bacon wrapped cream cheese stuff jalapenos. those things are magical.

At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Kelley said...

Indeed, the food is divine. Better still, gluten-free.
Be well!

At 8:31 AM, Blogger Shedding the Walrus suit said...

I might have spend hours yesterday reading Pioneer Women at work....oops. It's so easy to get lost in her world. Her blog lets those of us who live in the city live vicariously through her and her family. I would LOVE to win a copy of her cookbook.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Mel in Mo said...

I have a story much like Ree's. I met my cowboy in a bar in Alaska. He took me to "God's Country" six months later. It turned out to be Main St of Alba, Mo. Population 434. We made it 436. I am still there! It will be 25 years in October! I love her story & I would love her book! I would like to visit her ranch almost as much as you would!


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