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15 October 2006

four and a half minutes of me

roast potatoes, originally uploaded by shaunaforce.

It happens every day. When I walk into the grocery store across the street from us, one of the clerks exclaims, "Hey! I saw you on tv last night!" Sometimes, I see people stare at me on the sidewalk, trying to work out how they know me. Did I go to high school with them, long ago? Am I their childhood babysitter? Or do they just think they know me from seeing me on television? A few weeks ago, at a wine tasting at the EMP, a lovely wine rep looked at me and said, "I'm sorry. I don't mean for it to seem like I'm stalking you, but are you the Gluten-Free Girl?"

Wow. That was a marvelous conversation -- and an authentic person -- but it is just plain weird to be recognized this way.

Since July, the Food Network has been running a one-minute segment about me, used as an interstitial during certain programs. Three times a day. I can always tell when I have been on television again, because so many of you come to the site.


When the wonderful people at SeeSaw Studios flew up from Los Angeles to spend the day filming me, I felt enlivened. Spending the day at the farmers' market with a boom mike behind me and an enormous camera on me, I didn't feel self-conscious. Why? Because I knew I was doing this for you, for all of you reading. I wanted to spread the news -- gluten-free means freedom. It means saying yes, instead of no. And it means feeling like part of this world, instead of always slightly apart from the norm.

That's my life, I have realized: saying yes to the world through food.

Plus, I'm a ham. I had a blast.

The funny part is that I still haven't seen the segment on TV. I have a dvd of it, and sometimes the Chef likes to drag it out when people come over. "Have you seen Shauna on the Food Network? Well, watch this!" I can't really watch myself anymore. Instead, I watch him beaming as he sees me.

Most of my closest friends have not seen the segment yet. And of course, those of you who live outside the US don't have the chance to see it.

Well, now you do.

Thanks to the lovely Lia -- whose new food blog, This Little Piglet, is a lovely, tart surprise -- I can now guide you to the segment. Lia let me know that the four-and-a-half segment now lives on the Food Network website, permanently.

So, if you would like to see me in my kitchen, being goofy and waxing poetic about the joys of potatoes, just click on this. (You'll see the logo for this website on the right-hand side. Click on that to play it.)

And, when you see me on the street, wave hello. I promise to wave back, especially if I'm at the market and have potatoes in my hands.


At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm having problems playing the movie on my mac (error creating unique tmp file)

any chance someone could post it to youtube?

looking forward to the book,

At 6:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I caught just the end on Food Network a few days ago and am so glad to finally see the 4 or so minutes. powerful!
I must also admit that I'm thrilled to see your daily postings again.
Hope the writing is going well!

At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. Wonderful to have seen your seg.

My best to you both :~)

At 8:42 PM, Blogger Lia said...

You're too sweet. Thank you for the kind words. The clip really is so great. I just watched it for the second time!

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Mags said...

Shauna dear, you do amazing work and are an amazing writer. You even make me, a woman who can eat gluten, want to eat gluten free! :-)

You are truly inspiring, creative, and I can tell you'd be a blast to hang out with.

This will sound cheesy, but keep up the great work! Your writings about food, your tantalizing photos, and yes, I admit, your love story between you and The Chef, keep me coming back for more!

So glad that your work is being recognized by the Food Network - my favorite weekend guilty pleasure.

At 2:31 AM, Blogger Plume said...

Thanks for the link, I love your writing and now I've seen you (nearly) for real!

At 3:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's so great!!! It was good to finally see what you had worked on (we don't have cable, and I never thought to look it up online). It was inspiring for me to see that now that I am going back gluten free again (I struggle, I need to learn to say Yes to me).

At 7:39 AM, Blogger Nicola Pulling said...

Yup. Very good. Loved the clip - got a great sense of you, not just the food and the mission. And that's real television - not reality television.


At 10:36 AM, Blogger Angela said...

Yippe Shauna! I am the one that told you not long ago that I still haven't seen your spot on Food Network... I am so glad you posted this... going to watch it now... gonna love it!


At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago and love it. Was getting depressed about being gluten free but your attitude, enthusiasm, and wonderful pics and recipes have revived me. Thanks!

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Trig said...

Now I've got my new Nikon camera with macro lens I'm determined to start posting some pictures like yours. They make me want to eat my monitor. Brill.

At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another Mac user here. I, too, cannot view the clip, but wish longingly to do so.

At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay - thanks for the link! I loved watching you...and your little dance after you ate a bite of chicken. So cute, dear! xx

At 10:02 PM, Blogger I Am Gluten Free said...

I've been hoping to see the segment on Food TV, but always seem to miss it. I finally saw it by clicking on the link you included. Thank you! We're all so proud of you. Keep up the good work.


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Helen said...

Hi Shauna,

Thanks so much for posting the link to your Food Network segment. I don't have time to watch TV and I don't even have cable, and I've been dying to see you on TV. You were fabulous! You looked so natural and confident and in just those 4 minutes provided so much useful information. Keep up the great work and enjoy every minute of writing your book.

I know we'll enjoy every minute of reading it :)


At 12:03 PM, Blogger s'kat said...

I totally would have missed this on the TV- thanks for posting the link.

It was a great segment, your passion really shines through. Go on wit' yo badself!


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