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17 October 2005

a melange of gluten-free foods

food banner, originally uploaded by shaunaforce.

It's Monday here at the Gluten-free Girl. The weekend spent, a soon-to-be-distant memory. The rigors of the day cramming in my head. And a long week to come before I have hours and hours to cook and write. As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, I have surrendered. I know I cannot write every day, the way I could in summer, the way I long to still do. But I don't want to abandon you to the wilds of the world without new gluten-free recipes. And so, I'm starting a regular, weekly column: my favorite gluten-free recipes from other people's websites this weekend.

On the weekends, dramatically fewer of us are reading food blogs. (Probably all blogs, but I just know about food blogs.) The numbers dip and swoop down. I used to worry: "Am I writing boring posts on the weekends? Is that why people aren't coming by to read?" Well, you'd have to tell me. But now, I see a pattern. People are out doing other activities, and not just sitting in front of a computer on Saturday and Sunday. Of course. We have farmers' markets to peruse, local co-ops to search for mesquite flour, restaurants to visit for long, lazy brunches, and some sleep to catch up on. (Plus, a few other activities.) Most of you are probably reading this at work, surreptitiously, when the boss isn't looking. What better way to fill your days at work than lavishing your attention on these photographs of food?

But since you're probably not reading as actively on the weekends, you're missing some great essays. And for those of you who must eat gluten-free, like me, there are dozens of great recipes being offered on Friday through Sunday. As always, I want to give everyone reading new ideas of what to cook. And they don't all have to come from me.

So here you go.

But first, can I complain for a minute? Looking closely this weekend, I was actually shocked to see how few food blogs offer recipes on a regular basis. Sure, we all like these luscious photographs and the snappy prose. But really, everyone, we want to eat. Please start posting more recipes.

Okay, now here we go. Vaguely in the order of a meal:


This post from Delicious Days on the 15th of October made me drool. In their voluminous, pictorial style, Nicky and Oliver have outdone themselves again. Scroll down to see one astounding photographs after another, filled with rich colors and sensory details. The photograph of the sour apple the size of a cherry just killed me. And the gorgeous sushi. In their recounting of their recent trip to Colorado, they offered a scrumptious recipe for coconut crawfish soup that sounds simply divine. Relatively easy to make, and naturally gluten-free, this one has made it near the top of my list.


Ilva in Tuscany is making me hungry on a daily basis. Swedish, and married to an Italian man, she has lived in the rolling hills since 1994. I adore her new blog, and you should go visit it too. These saffron-sauteed potatoes look better than I could convey. And her kitchen looks wonderfully homey as well.


Heidi at 101 Cookbooks has done it again. Every few days, she posts the most lavish, alluring photographs of food I've seen in days. Until she posts her new one. Her next-to-last post showed us how to make sweet-potato puree, with heavy cream and a vanilla bean. (Don't look for low-fat on this one.) I made it this weekend, with roasted butternut squash instead. When I took my first spoonful, after pureeing it in the food processor, then slowly adding the heated cream, I actually, truly jumped up and down in the kitchen. This would be a decadent, gluten-free treat at the Thanksgiving table.


Pille at Nami Nami charms me with every post. I adore her sweet smile and quiet sensibilities. This week, she made a gorgeous-looking frittata with feta, tomato, and rocket (we call it arugula in America). She's on a quest to learn more Greek cuisine for her boyfriend. I'm on a quest to make this soon, as frittatas are the perfect gluten-free way to go.


Is it nepotism if you sing the praises of someone you know, even if she's not in your family? I know that I wrote about Molly at Orangette last week, and I'm thrilled that we're becoming friends. But I can't let that disqualify her from me recommending her site once again. Last week, she posted an almost obscenely good post about making panade, with soggy bread, cheese, and chard. Bread? you may be asking. Doesn't that have gluten? Well, yes, it certainly does. And that's why I grew disgruntled when I first read the post. But Melissa (more on her later) reported in the comments that she had made a gluten-free version with oven-toasted gluten-free bread. And it still smacked her in the head with how good it was. And so, this week, I have to do it too.


Finally, there's Melissa at Traveler's Lunchbox. I have to admit it: I'm a little in awe of Melissa. Her website is so beautifully designed, the photographs jaw-droppping gorgeous, and her prose so carefully chosen that there are days I feel a little rushed and amateurish in comparison. And on top of that, she can't eat gluten either. She's one of my favorites, and she'll quickly become one of yours as well, if you visit her site. Especially when you see this recipe for Basque cake which looks unbelievably good, as always. The recipe calls for flour, but you can easily substitute your favorite gluten-free mix.

And voila. There's a full meal for you.


At 10:46 PM, Blogger fethiye said...

i have tried neither of these ;( but have you seen this one:

I thought it might be a good gluten-free dessert option for you.

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed the same trend on my food blog - my stats totally dip on the weekends. That's why I started doing my "Favorite Foodism of the Week" feature on the weekends. Love the recipe round-up, Shauna. Thanks!

At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear Shauna, I'm blushing! Thank you for your kind, kind words. But I disagree that there is ever anything amateurish about your writing. After stopping by here I often wish words would flow out of me with such vigor and zest and poetic abundance!

But you are right about the Gateau Basque - it's an easy cup-for-cup substitution with gluten-free flour. I'd love to know how it turns out if you give it a try.

At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought to make your own apple butter? I was inspired by previous post with apples.
5lb of your favorite apples (works best with a blend of varities) peeled, cored & cut into smallish pieces.
1/4 tsp ea of your favorite pie spices. (I used Cardemon, cinnamon, nutmeg & allspice)
1/2 cup cider or water.
(I also added a splash of lemon)
Put in a crock pot & cook on high for 4 hours. stir & scrap down sides. continue to cook on high for another 6 hrs. Scrap & stir every 2 to 3 hours. After 10 hours take the lid off & cook for an additional 1 or 2 or until the liquid has reduced to the level you want. Makes approx 3 to 4 cups & can be frozen.

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Ilva said...

I too have to thank you for your kind words! I feel honoured to be included among such eminent food bloggers... But what makes me happiest is that my recipes can be used by people who for various reasons cannot eat everything they would like to!

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Zarah Maria said...

That's a great idea Shauna - I'll be here every Monday - and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday!;-)

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Oh my, I'm definitely one of those people surreptitiously reading blogs and looking at delicious food photos while I'm at work! Believe me I would be reading all of these wonderful blogs on the weekends if I could, but I don't have a computer at home and I refuse to go into work on the weekends unless I absolutely have to! But, worry not, I am here on Mondays eagerly catching up on blogs like yours for everything I missed (er, Tuesday as the case may be because I wasn't here yesterday!)

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Molly said...

Excellent taste you have, my dear, as always! I had my eye on that crawfish soup too, and Melissa's gateau Basque looks outright dreamy. We might have to try one of these for our next cookfest, don't you think?

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Shauna said...


What a lovely name. And that dessert looks so unusual and delicious. I'd love to give it a try sometime. Thanks for stopping by.


I know, isn't it weird? Because we're teachers, we both have a chance to read over the weekend, between grading sets of papers!


Thank you, my dear. I think we all learn from each other in this community. Your words about my writing really move me. And I'm bound to try that Basque Gateau soon. I'm so excited!


What a great idea! I'm going to try that this weekend, because I just adore apple butter. Thanks for suggesting it.


You are doing a great job over there at your blog. And it heartens me to see any good recipe that we gluten-free people have to eat. Those potatoes look gorgeous.

Zarah Maria--

So good to see you back! I've missed Food and Thoughts and seeing you here. Thank you so much for coming by.


I love the idea that you're reading this at work, and I'm making you hungry! If I had the kind of work that would allow me more time on the internet to read food blogs? Well, I'm not sure I'd ever get work done. Luckily, the students are always demanding my attention, so no chance of that.


Oh yes, let's make them both. I'm so looking forward to it.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger Pille said...

Dear Shauna, I'm extremely flattered for being mentioned in your lovely blog. Thank you so much for your kind words!
PS I made the roasted peaches with basil butter again last week!!

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Hi Shauna,
I just tagged you for the kitchen meme - if you have time, I'd love to see where you make all these delicious meals...


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