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gluten-free sandwich bread

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13 November 2008

gluten-free sandwich bread

toast from the new gluten-free bread

Sometimes, people ask me, "Why don't you have more recipes for bread on your website?"

It's a funny question. There are so many recipes here. But it's true. I haven't put up a recipe for gluten-free bread in nearly two years.

It's not that I don't like bread. Believe me, before I went gluten-free, I was the bread girl. Rosemary and sea salt on a crusty artisanal loaf got me every time. One look and I was in its grip. I loved well-meaning whole-wheat bread, dark exotic rye, and raisin brioche for French toast. If you live down the street from one of Seattle's best bakeries, you're going to eat bread.

But something strange happened after I stopped eating gluten. I stopped craving bread. I've heard this from many of you too: the gluten cravings abate over time. It's almost as though my body wanted what was bad for me. Grow healthy and the body leans toward better food.

I didn't miss it. No kidding. After awhile, when this site became one of the central forces of my life, I made bread because I felt I had to do it. I was pretty happy with some of it. One of the recipes went into my book as sorghum loaf. At the time, I was proud of that bread.

But so much has happened since. So many dishes cooked, so many cookies and pastries baked, so many lessons from the Chef. And mostly, I got pregnant with Little Bean. Everything changed after she was born. My hair, always baby fine and mostly straight, stretches into incorrigible curls at the first sign of rain now. And after she was born, I started wanting bread again.

Actually, I just wanted toast.

In those first six weeks of the Bean's young life, the Chef and I wanted toast every morning for breakfast. We didn't seem to have the energy to roast potatoes, play with eggs until the yolks were the wonderful jiggly texture we desired, and wait for the bacon to sizzle. We just wanted toast.

We ate a lot of loaves from Whole Foods, made more from mixes from a box, and heated up our frozen slices in the mornings after rising from little sleep. We were burning money on bread.

Little Bean grew up some. She started sleeping through the night. Filled with new energy, the Chef and I had the time to make breakfast again. The eggs returned. (Look at this morning's repast.) But the desire for bread stayed as stubbornly as the Farrah-like fringe in my hair. I started baking again.

I've learned so much about how to live gluten-free in the past three and a half years that making bread felt more natural. Here's some of what I have learned:

-- good gluten-free bread dough? It has the consistency of cake batter. Truly. That's where I fell into problems before, even in the recipe in my book. (I'm not that happy with it now.) I was trying to make loaves like the ones I used to create. So of course they were dry. Think thick cake batter. That's what you want.

-- nearly every gluten-free baked goods book calls for apple cider vinegar in a bread recipe. Dutifully, I put some in mine, since every one else did. But now I know that vinegar retards the growth of yeast. I can't think that it helps, at all. I leave it out now.

-- putting ice cubes in a skillet on the bottom rack of the oven as the bread bakes makes the oven steamy. This helps the rise of the loaf.

-- millet is a gluten-free breadmaker's dream. Without it, all the loaves fall a little flat. With it, there's a wonderful crumb.

-- stiff egg whites, folded into the batter at the last moment, help improve the rise and the lightness of the loaf.

There's more, but I'm just learning. How lovely that I still have so much left to learn.

And that there is bread in the house again.

the latest gluten-free bread

GLUTEN-FREE SANDWICH BREAD, adapted from Carol Fenster's 1000 Gluten-Free Recipes

This bread, adapted from Carol Fenster's millet yeast bread, makes a lovely loaf. It's firm yet filled with air pockets, white without being devoid of nutrition, and addictive. It makes fantastic toast. The scrape and brush of a knife and butter meets bread? I can hear it again.

Now, you should know that, no matter what the recipe, bread making is a fickle business. This loaf you see above, the one I made in a hurry this morning so I would have a photograph for this post? It collapsed. I let the yeast go too long, the egg whites grew too stiff, and the millet flour was gone so I used amaranth instead.

It still tastes fantastic. You can pull it apart with your hands and eat bread again.

Made under the right conditions? This loaf would make such a wonderful loaf for stuffing on Thanksgiving day.

2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast
2 teaspoons sugar
1 cup milk
2 egg whites
1/4 cup sorghum flour
1/4 cup tapioca flour
1 cup potato starch
1/2 cup sweet rice flour
1 cup millet flour
1 1/2 teaspoons xanthan gum
1 teaspoon guar gum
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup butter, or butter substitute
2 eggs, at room temperature

Put the milk in a small saucepan. Turn the burn on medium-low heat. When the milk just starts to warm, and feels comfortably warm on the inside of your wrist, take it off the burner. You want it at 110°. Activate the yeast by combining the yeast, sugar, and warm milk. Set aside in a warm place to rise. Give it at least 10 minutes before you start looking at it.

Meanwhile, beat the egg whites until they stiffen. This works best in a stand mixer, if you have one. Be patient. You'll want them done, but they take awhile. (about 15 minutes around here) When they have become stiff enough to hold together, but not so stiff that they form small peaks, turn off the mixer. Gently, transfer the beaten egg whites to a separate bowl.

Mix all the flours together, along with the xanthan and guar gums. Stir them up well. Sift them through a fine-mesh sieve. This makes the combination into one flour. Add the salt to the flour and stir well.

Put the flours into the stand mixer, using the paddle attachment. Slowly, add the yeasty milk, the softened butter, and the eggs. Mix until the dough comes together and has the consistency of thick cake batter.

Turn off the mixer. Working by hand, fold the egg whites into the dough. When they have been incorporated, you are done.

Oil and dust the loaf pan with a light starchy flour (I like sweet rice flour here). I use a loaf pan meant to fit a 1 1/2 pound loaf. Put the dough into the pan. Pat the top of the loaf into evenness. Set aside in a warm place and let the loaf warm for at least 1 1/2 hours. 2 hours is even better.

About half an hour before the dough is done rising, preheat the oven to 375°.

Before you slide in the loaf, brush an egg wash across the top of the loaf. (Whisk 1 egg until it is frothy.)

Put a skillet full of ice cubes on the bottom rack of the oven. Put the bread loaf on the rack above it. Bake for 1 hour, or until the internal temperature reads 205°.

When the loaf is done baking, pull it out of the oven. Be patient. Let it rest for ten minutes in the pan before you attempt to move it.

Run a knife around the edges of the bread. Turn the loaf pan upside down and let the loaf fall onto a cooling rack. Let the bread rest for another little while. And then slice it up.

Makes 1 loaf of bread.


At 9:51 PM, Blogger Heather Anne said...

Great recipe. I will definately try that out.
I have been eating wheat free for 10 years and gluten free for the past 2 years....and I cannot stop craving glutenous bread. I love love love.
However, the last couple years I have used a few really great mixes and have found a friend in Glutino's gluten free corn bread (tastes like "normal" white bread when you toast it) and other varities. It has been a crave saver.

Have you ever come across any recipes or companies that do a GF croissant?

Ps. Really enjoy the blog. Awesome and yummy recipes!

At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that crazy about hair and pregnancy? The same thing happened to me. My son was eight weeks old, I took a shower (probably for the first time in days) and my hair literally went from straight to ringlets. It has been curly/wavy ever since!

I can't wait to try the bread recipe. I've really liked working with millet and the egg white addition is brilliant. I, too, have spent too much on GF bread, especially Against the Grain's baguettes. They are full of mozzerella cheese but when they are toasted, there is no missing the gluten. How about a baguette recipe next? I'm not as brave as you are!


At 10:58 PM, Blogger Beth said...

I still crave bread -- badly sometimes, especially sourdough. I went gluten-free at the same time I went low-carb though, because I also had some serious blood-sugar issues. It may be the insulin wonkiness in my system that makes me want bread more than anything else. I rarely eat it, but do occasionally indulge in GF toast made from those loaves you can buy at Whole Foods.

At 11:12 PM, Blogger Kitt said...

Your comment about the ice cubes makes me wonder if you could bake this in a dutch oven like no-knead bread. That's how I bake all my loaves now. Fifteen minutes covered in a preheated pot at 400 degrees, and about 10 minutes uncovered. Makes a great loaf with fabulous crust.

At 12:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bread is funny, isn't it? There's a bakery in my home town -- the GF Patisserie -- and the owner bakes beautiful, exquisite loaves of bread. Italian flatbread, sandwich bread, raising bread...and somehow, these gluten-less loaves have the bite and elasticity and crunch and gorgeous texture of real bread, of wheat bread. The entire bakery is brilliant (link: ) but I'm not here to plug them; I wanted to say something about bread. I've been experimenting with it for the last little while, and using sorghum as a base; just tossing together a cup or so of sorghum, some tapioca starch and sweet rice flour, an egg or two, some kind of vegetable gum, oil and yeast and water and milk and a pinch of salt and sugar, and I've had wonderful results. And then I found out I couldn't take tapioca starch. Or potato starch, for that matter, OR xantham gum, which cuts out pretty much every mix-made/store-bought option. So tonight, I baked bread. A cup of sorghum flour, half a cup of sweet rice flour, four egg whites, a third cup of apple sauce, and the same of canola oil. Some salt. Two small pinches of sugar. I have a lovely loaf sitting in front of me, which, strangely enough, resembles the one in your photograph almost exactly. It's a bit grainy, this loaf, and could use some millet -- and some modification -- but it tastes hearty, and satisfying. It's the kind of bread you cut in slabs, and slather with butter or dunk in olive oil or smother with preserves. I'm not really sure what the point of this self-indulgent description is...but I think it's funny that I baked bread, and then came here, and saw that you had baked bread, too. I can honestly say that your book inspired me, and that your blog continues to inspire me to create and experiment and seek as much enjoyment in food as I did *before*, every time I visit it. Thank you. And enjoy your bread! I think I'm going to go make French toast...

At 3:44 AM, Blogger sweetpea said...

I am a bread girl as well. When I was diagnosed two and a half years ago I went on a 5 day gluten binge, eating things I knew I would never have again. After that there was no looking back. Those 5 days featured great bread three times a day. I don't know, personally I think GF bread is an oxymoron. The only possible way to eat GF bread is toasted. I am not willing to invest my time in baking any myself, maybe that is my problem. I have tried too many store bought GF breads and I am always disappointed. I don't spend time missing much but good bread, well I can get a bit sad about not being able to have good bread.

At 4:28 AM, Blogger ExpatAdventures said...

Both thrilled and appalled to find your blog - am still in the phase of hoping beyond hope these food allergies or whatever they are could be a phase. I know they're not.

Any ideas for people also unable to eat to corn and dairy? One doctor also said no eggs, but what the am I supposed to eat then, you know? Lately I eat salad and fish. A LOT. And rice... anything made from rice.

Oh... and I moved minutes from the Italian border a few years ago, before gelato and pasta started making me sick. This is just wrong.

I read recently that the Italian government estimates 30% of all kids in Italy are now gluten-intolerant. That's a lot to digest for those Italian Nonnas who've been serving pasta every day for years!

Anyway, I will read your blog religiously as much for the sense of enjoyment and hope as for the recipes and photos. Thanks!

At 6:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have just helped many gluten-free children get some good sandwich bread for their lunches!

I am another one who could also live without the bread.

Good gosh, I have always had naturally curly hair, but my pregnancies made it even frizzier. And everyone told me that my curls would straighten out after childbirth. Hah!

Take care,


At 6:40 AM, Blogger Sophia said...

I didn't crave bread either when I found out I was celiac (, but I think part of that is because it seems like a huge effort to make bread (store-bought isn't always worth it). This is something I'd like to try on a winter afternoon though!

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Lauren Denneson said...

I found another great sandwich bread recipe from Kate over at glutenfree gobsmacked - and it's soooo easy! I made some alterations to it to make it more hearty for my tastes (
I actually ended up taking out the millet flour in favor of sorghum and teff, but after reading here that millet is a key ingredient, maybe I'll try it with some of the millet back in and it will be even better - who knows?

At 8:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been disappointed so many times by store bought GF bread, and I've made several loaves of homemade, and I'm still disappointed. It's not that I miss bread so much as I miss the convenience of a sandwich, or a piece of toast with PB, both would be an easy way to add needed calories.

At 8:32 AM, Blogger Milhan said...

I was a big bread girl too...but now I just don't really think about it anymore.

Corn tortillas fulfill most of my bread eating needs (also arepas, and tortilla chips). Those, along with steaming bowls of rice, make me happy & satisfied.

I hear you on the hair, but it didn't start happening to me until I turned 45. Went from stick straight to wavy and curly seemingly overnight.

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm bread. I have to second your first posters sentiment: Glutino bread is EXCELLENT. I'm partial to their High Fiber GF bread. I'm 35 and have been gluten free free since 6th grade. I've tried a lot of GF breads - homemade and store bought. Glutino bread is very tasty toasted. Their bagels are also pretty good.

Now I just wish someone would come up with a passable GF soft pretzel recipe. I REALLY miss those yeasty store bought soft pretzels.

Whenever my husband and son have them (which is rarely, they know it's torture for me) I just want to bury my nose in the soft white center and inhale deeply.

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm bread. I have to second your first poster's sentiment: Glutino bread is EXCELLENT. I'm partial to their High Fiber GF bread. I'm 35 and have been gluten free free since 6th grade. I've tried a lot of GF breads - homemade and store bought. Glutino bread is very tasty toasted. Their bagels are also pretty good.

Now I just wish someone would come up with a passable GF soft pretzel recipe. I REALLY miss those yeasty store bought soft pretzels.

Whenever my husband and son have them (which is rarely, they know it's torture for me) I just want to bury my nose in the soft white center and inhale deeply.

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Would it work if I left out the egg whites? My celiac dh and my daughter both cannot have eggs, so everything I do that is GF also can't have eggs.

At 9:52 AM, Blogger Malibu54 said...

If I only have a hand held mixer with no paddle attachment can I still make this bread? Or do I have to wait for my doughy goodness till that mixer squeezes its way into my budget?

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Eileen said...

One thing that's come up: What do people who can't afford your "lifestyle" do. I know a lot of people who don't have a chef at their disposal and $100s of dollars to spend on flour. I know one right now who, after almost a year and a bowel dissection, has five whole foods she can afford to eat - and her husband is a vp of a major software company. What do those people do? Any advice?

At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I do not spend a lot on flours so I think I can give you advice.

1) I buy corn tortillas in the hispanic section of the supermarket.

2) Also in the hispanic section, I buy rice flour, fine corn flour, and manioc (tapioca) flour.

I also do not really like bread and carbs so much. There are many foods that are naturally gluten free. I eat a lot of protein.

Your friend had a bowel dissection? Does she have Crohn's, like me? If so, please tell her to look up the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

Good luck.


At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a croissant recipe(haven't tried it yet - it looks like a lot of work LOL) but the pictures are tasty !

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE the way you teach us how to bake bread!! thank you so much for each tip (very time-saving!)

At 12:41 PM, Blogger said...

hi, i'm a italian girl,i have gluten free blog, and i'm associated with a kitchen's blog, where there is a gluten free diary. i hope that you came too...

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the poster who asked about using a hand-held mixer:

I use a hand mixer for bread. I'm a minimalist when it comes to gadgets in the kitchen, so I held off getting a stand mixer when I was first diagnosed with sprue. (Plus it would have taken up too much of my limited counter space.) I found a high powered, 225 watt hand mixer, which is just 50 watts less than the lowest wattage Kitchen Aid stand mixer, and cost a whole lot less money too. It came with dough hooks as well as the usual flat beaters. I use my handheld for for all GF baking that requires a mixer. It's powerful enough for cookie dough, so it easily handles the less stiff bread doughs.

One of my favorite bread add-ins is whole uncooked millet. I mix some into the dough and it adds nice crunchy bits of texture, akin to cracked wheat, but without the gluten, as well as good nutrition.

At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always say it .. I'll say it again - Thank heavens for you!!

This looks YUMMY and gives me hope that I can eat yummy bread every so often! I'm not much of a baker, but I can't wait to give it a try.

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great post. I don't miss bread, myself, but every once in awhile my kids desperately want toast with their eggs. Now, I feel like I have a great place to start.

What would I do without your blog? No, seriously. Thanks for all your work and for your willingness to share it with us.

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh? "Your lifestyle?" I definitely don't understand that comment. That's what this blog is about - how to create all these wonderful things to eat - that you don't have to be a chef to do. I have been inspired by this blog to try so many new things - fennel, arepas to name a few. I have used Shauna's vast recipe collection to whip up quick desserts for company or for easy meals to feed my family. And most importantly, the work that Shauna and the Chef do demystify the process - make it accessible for all to try and master.

Shauna was doing this before the Chef was around and has continued to share with us - and I for one enjoy the collaboration (and the insight).

Yes, being gluten free can cost more, as some of the flours can be more expensive, but there are so many ways to bring the cost down (Asian grocery stores, for example) -- and it is far cheaper than being sick.

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny timing. I just posted an updated version of my millet bread for those of us who can't have eggs: I agree that millet can be a key to making great gf bread. My gluten-eating friends will gobble up loaves of my millet bread if I let them at it when they're over here, especially if it's freshly made!

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can so relate to this post about bread - I too was once addicted to wonderful glutenous bread. It was bread and butter growing up, all mushed up into a ball; then later it was crusty french baguettes, muffins and whole grain breads.

Same thing happened to me - when I finally went gluten-free, I craved the bread for a while and this is where I learned to make my own.

But soon I no longer had a huge craving or urge to do it. I still love making it but it doesn't feel as much like a need anymore.

I don't add apple cider vinegar to mine either. Teff flour is a wonderful flour to use, I like quinoa a lot too. I haven't tried millet yet, but will now that you say it's so great.

thanks so much.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger H.Peter said...

Today I was wondering why I got so many hits on my blog that originated from GF Patisserie. That website is only up since Sunday.

Then I read Kim T.'s comment....about my wife's bread, that explains all.

Let me just say this about Victoria's bread.
I had to eat all her trials and errors over the last few years.
And I am NOT a Celiac......I am from Europe and I love bread.

Now however, I am proud to say not only do her customers like the product, but also our household is gluten free as well. (Did I mention I am from Europe? CarboCentral Europe)

Victoria is my favorite baker!
(I hope Guenther is not reading this)

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Debbie said...

My son was a carbivore before going GF and for about 1 year after. I make better bread now than I ever have, and yet he is not eating as much. I'll never forget about 4 months after going GF he sat down and ate a whole plate of taco salad (with a LOT of green leaf and tomatoes). I was speechless! Surely some other child had snuck in and was eating green! Gluten really affects more than just the digestive tract.
Thanks for the recipe. I've been making mostly quickbread recipes lately, and I am missing the yeast taste. I'll be trying this along with the ice cubes and whipping the egg whites.

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you read betty hagman's bread book? It seems it would save you a lot of time and effort, she has done a lot of the leg work for all of us. She has explained the basics of gf bread and in her last bread book used a lot of healthier grains, teff make help you to start from there instead of from scratch. I was diagnosed in 1991 and have read just about every gf book written, she is still the front runner. Hope this helps.

At 6:40 AM, Blogger Shirley said...

Add me to the list of GF folks who don't miss bread and it's vary rare for me to have GF bread. When I do, I don't make true bread per se, but things like popovers and corn muffins. Usually I make them when I have guests, both to share the wealth and because (for me) I will feel badly if I eat too much bread, even GF bread. I think a lot of us who are GF and go the simple GF route, meaning much fewer carbs, find we feel much better without all the carbs. Still, having some toast sounds really good--enjoy!

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this! It's very timely for me.

I've been gluten-free for roughly 9 months and eat much less bread now. However, about 2 weeks ago, I had a day or two of major gluten-filled artisan bread craving. (To the point where I was picking up my husband's loaf of sesame seed coated goodness and sniffing it through the wrapper!). goal for this winter is to haul out my old bread machine and try some GF bread baking. Hooray!

Yeah, and you're right, toast is definitely a MUST on a regular basis.

Thanks again!

At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the affordability comment on a gluten free household. First off its not a lifestyle choice, but the internet is a wonderful place and can save you a great deal of money. Whole Foods carries most things you need, but Amazon, Bob's Red Mill directly and many farmer's markets will save you a ton of money. You don't have to spend $7/bag of flour. Also most of what we eat doesn't have any type of flour in it, once you cut a lot of carbohydrate based foods out of your diet, you just don't need them as much.

Learning to cook/bake gluten free helps more for special occasions, birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and for guests. And really its fun to learn so much information about new flours. Even if you could eat gluten each flour has its own characteristic that would given depth and breadth to any baker.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Cakespy said...

Yay for the Macrina love (one of my favorites!). Your loaf looks lovely--I like how firm and dense it looks, that is definitely something I look for in a bread. I am intrigued with this bread--I think I've got to try it!

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Any thoughts on this recipe without yeast? I've been using Tapioca Starch as a base for baguettes with exciting results.

At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you tried the no-knead bread by Jim Lahey, who owns a bakery in Manhattan? I'm not sure the dough part would work gluten-free, but he bakes it in a heated pot- I use an oval enamel-covered cast iron - that traps the steam as it cooks, creating a wonderful crust. Take the lid off for the last 15 minutes to let it get nice and golden. (Google no-knead bread and you'll get the whole formula!)

At 3:59 PM, Blogger jbeach said...

Mmm, the pics look fantastic, particularly the one at the top of the post. I'm currently working on a book called Kneadlessly Simple by Nancy Baggett. No kneading involved -although some believe that's the most fun part of making bread...regardless, she includes some delicious-sounding gluten-free bread recipes! The book pubs in late January so look out for it! :)

At 7:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found you site recently. I have been gluten free for 19 days. It's not for me, at least, not specifically. My son has just been diagnosed with gluten sensitivity, possibly celiac (positive antibody blood test, we refuse to do an intestinal biopsy). He's only 17 months old. I am still breastfeeding and so I've gone gluten free for him. Of course, if he does have celiac, then he must have gotten it from myself or my husband. We have blood tests out and are awaiting the results. I do have a health history that could point to celiac, maybe latent, maybe not very advanced yet. Who knows. But I am gluten free now and will be for a long while. I've only just started missing bread, the first couple of weeks were this whirlwind of needing to help my son and I hardly thought about it. Now I miss bread. So I am excited to have found your site and for this to be the first post I read. I can't wait to read your older posts and your book. I am ready to find the positives.

At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wondering if the potato starch is the flour or the stuff made from dried potato? I know it's known as different names around the world and I get soooo confused. Thanks!

At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm new to gluten-free, and I just wanted to say thanks for all you share here, Gluten-Free Girl. ;) I especially appreciate your insights on bread.

Cheers, and happy holidays!


At 8:18 PM, Blogger Terra Carlson said...

*Very* nice! I made this loaf today and it really does have a fabulous texture and flavour - which (as you well know) is not the norm even with a lot of very good GF bread recipes.

Like your loaf in the pic, mine flattened a bit. It's also a tad too moist in the middle. I've always wanted to use mini-loaf pans to thwart the narrow slice problem, I think I'll try that :)

I don't know if you answer questions, but I have one for you that's Seattle local. To save money, I get all of my starches in the International District (tapioca, potato, glutinous rice flour). Compared to the amounts of water called for in recipes and the amount of water I need to get my bread batter any where *near* "thick cake batter" consistency, these imported starches must be really really dessicated. I have to at least double the liquid amount, and that makes the accuracy of the sweet point for loft versus moisture very hard. Have you cooked with the starches/flours that are imported (markets like How How, An Dong & Uwajimaya)? Have you run into this problem? Or am I just thinking dry thoughts? :D

Thx for such a great recipe and web site! I've cooked GF for 10 years and I love finding new wonderful breads!


At 1:46 PM, Blogger latorquemada said...

That's my issue -- I wish someone would post some GF recipes by weight instead of volume. I find the moisture content of GF flours varies wildly -- for example, I've never been able to make anything decent from a Bette Hagman recipe, even though everyone swears by her.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger Sophie said...

I've had so many bad experiences with gluten-free bread :(. All of the ones I've made come out with a weird after-taste. Thankfully, I have all the flours I need to make this one.

I like how you used the egg whites, I think that'll do the trick (I don't have much luck with yeast and don't care for the taste, which is why I'm glad this recipe only calls for a few teaspoons of it instead of tablespoons, like the other breads). Can't wait to have toast tonight!

By the way, do you have a great go-to recipe for gluten-free cinnamon rolls? Haven't had much luck with those either :(.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Sophie said...

I made the bread last night and it came out awesome! It's the first yeast bread I've had luck with; it rose beautifully and didn't have a yeasty taste :) actually tasted kind of wheaty and had the best texture of an GF bread I've ever tried! Thanks for sharing this recipe :).

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was great! I knew it'd come out by the texture of the bread dough. I have Carol Fenster's 1000 gf recipes and I can take the changes in this recipe and try them in other ones (given if I'm going for an airy texture or dense texture). The smell was wonderful and we devoured the loaf over the next couple days as it really does make the world's best toast.

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Amity Susan Kate (am su ka) said...

Ahhh, bread.
I have posted a recipe for bread in the bread machine in my humble blog, amsukas gluten freedom
It is DELICIOUS and can be eaten UNTOASTED!

The flours do not cost a fortune, about $1.00 a loaf- if you keep it to rice and tapioca flours.

Feel free to try and adapt to suit your own tastes- I missed bread horribly when I went gluten-free, and with a lot of experimenting, am so content with this recipe. Enjoy!!

At 5:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shauna: It was like the planets came into alignment or something. Just that day, I grimaced at the price tag on another loaf of Ener-G bread (I'm glad my store carries it, but honestly, it's almost inedible), and later that day, I came across your French Toast post. Whammo. Immediately ran down to Whole Foods to restock my flours, and fired up the Kitchenaid. We're CF here, too, so I substituted soy milk. Loaf rose well, and tasted GREAT (and thanks for the ice cubes tip!), but when we sliced it, it had big voids and holes just under the top crust. What do you think?

Good luck with the book!

At 5:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you put the ingedients in a breadmaker and make it?

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! I couldn't get the no-knead bread to work, but this one was so simple! And, even better, it truly does smell like real (wheat) bread while cooking! Even the taste was heavenly. Not to mention bread that has a crusty top and a "normal" soft, chewy center and nearly as much sandwich-making surface as wheat versions without condensing about 4 slices worth of calories/carbs to boot! I had to turn it upside down to slice it from soft bottom to crunchy top to avoid crumbling, but who cares? No crumbling. Awesome. After a year without bread, I am so excited to have this in my recipe repertoire. Thank you Shauna! Thank you!


At 1:23 PM, Blogger Earthy Mama said...

I too have been having troubles with getting my dough to resemble thick cake batter. I buy my starches and flours by bulk (25 lb bags), does it have something to do with the quality of the starch? Should I add more liquid?

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous June said...

I don't have celiac, but I have gone pretty much gluten free since last summer in an attempt to find out what was wrong with my digestion (we have since determined it was stress begun when and leftover from my days as 24/7 caregiver to my mom). But a wonderful thing happened - well, several wonderful things. I DID stop craving breads and pastas, I lost 13 lbs almost instantly, and I JUST FELT BETTER! Since then I've recommended a gluten-moderated or -free diet to family members, who have seen similar results. We all look better and feel better. Your blog is great. Thanks for the bread making tips!

At 8:27 AM, Anonymous Rachelle Mee-Chapman said...

I live in Denmark and can't get xanthum or guar gum. On my last trip home to Seattle I brought xantham with me. Can i sub more xantham for guargum. Also, if I can't find sorghum or millet and I adjust with some other kind of flour?

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Anna said...

OMG. Just tried this. It tastes amazing, and the crumb is divine. THANK YOU!

ps. I used all xanthum gum since I didn't have guar gum. And I used 2 tsp honey instead of turned out amazing.

At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Amy said...

Wow! I am new to the Gluten Free diet! What a wealth of information! Thanks, I can't wait to try these recipes. Does anyone of have a great pizza recipe?

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Claudia said...

After a total failure of your bread recipe from your original book (my husband was AGHAST I would eat this, this, THING), I tried again today with this receipe....full-on success. With a few caveats. After METICULOUS (really, I'm totally anal-retentive) following of instructions, I ended up adding a good 1/2 cup of warmed milk before I got close to 'batter'. Then, after a mere hour of warm-place rising (I have a heat lamp on my stove), it was rising/dripping OVER the edges, so I bailed and tossed it in the oven. I took it out at 201 degrees. It's pretty perfect.
Thanks so much!

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Kim said...

I had the same issue as Claudia. I don't know if it was because I had to make some of my flours and maybe that threw off the recipe a bit? It is cooling now though and I am hoping for some yummy bread! :)

At 1:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

My loaf of bread is rising as I write this. I am excited because this bread is for toast, I don't miss bread but toast I crave. Cinnamon sugar sprinkled on my toast like when I was a kid!
I have wavy/curly hair, when I was pregnant it went flat! Back to curly afterwards though!

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Thomas Lunde said...

Hi I am new to this and really appreciate the info from you and everyone else!! I do have a question re the sandwich bread recipe, why is there no baking soda or baking powder? tks to any who can answer :)

At 8:50 AM, Blogger karione said...

I made this bread recipe a few months ago and goofed up the measurements when I jotted them down. Despite that, the bread wasn't bad. I made stew early this week and decided to try your bread again so I would have something to dunk into the stew. It was a great success both warm out of the oven and the next day. My husband said it is the best GF bread He's tasted. My 13 year old god-daughter kept sneaking back into the kitchen for more.

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just got brave enough to try doing this in the bread machine. Fantastic! One note though, it was VERY dry with only the milk, so wound up putting nearly 2 cups of club soda in as it mixed. Left a bit of flavor in the bread, so will try more milk and less soda next time. Also skipped warming the milk. Instead I melted the butter & poured into the milk. Allowed machine to mix smoothly and warmed the milk. Added egg whites as the machine went into secondary mix mode. Loaf has doubled in size and very light and moist!

Lisa in Ontario, Canada

At 8:03 PM, Blogger khanie HA said...

What about a gluten free, vegan, rice free, yeast free sandwich bread? Got a recipe for that?

At 2:06 AM, Anonymous deepak said...

I can't wait to try the bread recipe. I've really liked working with millet and the egg white addition is brilliant.

At 9:48 PM, Blogger Stax said...

Wonderful recipe! I made this late two nights ago, and was worried that I'd made the milk too hot and killed my yeast, because the dough did not rise, at all. I've never made bread before, this was the first. After 2 hours on the microwave, it looked like the same sad pan of porridge I'd left up there. I cooked it anyway, and an hour later, lo! It was big and puffy and beautiful, with a crisply browned crust that had split nicely.

Living in the prairies, not sure if that made a difference but I added about a half cup of milk and quarter cup of water to the recipe to get to the "thick cake batter" stage. It worked out great! I'd use perhaps a tiny bit less next time.

The bread is amazing both as is and toasted, and I can't wait to try it in stuffing. Out of the oven, fresh with melted butter, it was to die for.

Thank you so much =)

At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say this is a like it or don't like it recipe. It has a slightly crumbly texture (sort of like a quick bread) and a nice flavor from the millet. It sort of goes mushy in the mouth and is a little sourish or strange in the after taste. My 2 year old loved it, my husband hated it and I liked it toasted.

Does anyone know which is the ingredient that causes the GF bread aftertaste? I assume it is the guar gum or xathan gum but that is only because they sound like chemicals.


At 10:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you so much for posting all these wonderful tips. I am just beginning a gluten-free journey, just this week actually. I live in a house of and am a lover of all things bread and the smells of the toast wafting down the hall have been killing me.

I cannot wait to try this out and hopefully be on the road to enjoying toast in the morning again.

Thank you again for all your wonderful advice, tips and of course delicious looking recipes. =)

At 12:57 PM, Blogger April said...

I just want you to know how happy this recipe has made me! I did not have potato starch, so I just used tapioca flour instead (used the regular tapioca flour amount, plus 1 more cup to substitute for potato starch). I also did not have ice cubes on hand, so I just used cold water in a baking dish below the bread as it baked. FABULOUS. I honestly think it is better than the homemade bread I used to make.

I ate a slice while it was still a bit warm (of course!), and then put the rest in the freezer for sandwich days. :)

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Shred.Well. said...

Wow! Its been so long since I've had grilled cheese. This bread is a euphoric experience. I just found out about being "gluten intolerant"... the cause of 28 years of raging, painful heartburn. Heartburn now gone, but what about my favorites? Thanks so much for sharing these recipes. I feel full of gratitude for your site!


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