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07 April 2008


avocado i

Look at that avocado. Really, do I need to write anything else?

I heart avocados. I realize that using heart as a verb in that sentence leaves me sounding like a seventh-grade girl from Southern California. Ah well. I don’t mind. Avocados do that to me.

In the backyard of the house where my family lived for most of my childhood, an avocado tree loomed over the dry dirt we stamped down with our feet. The pomegranate tree I wrote about in my book lived by the patio. But the avocado tree stood as the centerpiece of everything around it: pyracantha bushes; eucalyptus trees; and the remnants of the tiny replicas of Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm that my brother and I made out of mud. The tree arched to the smog-covered sky, two twin trunks that formed a broad V. One of those years, my brother whacked the heck out of the base of the trunk with a croquet mallet, which left a permanent dent in the poor tree. But the fat black fruits that rained down in the summer? They never suffered.

I can’t believe now that I grew up with ripe avocados in my own backyard. What I wouldn’t give for that now.

If I could, I would eat an avocado every day. It’s not that I hesitate for health reasons. Contrary to popular belief, avocados are actually healthy for us. No, it’s the expense. This year in particular, avocados are higher in price than they are in fat. Have you seen the prices? Some of the pebbled-black-skinned beauties are $2 each. The California wildfires earlier this year wiped out much of that state’s avocado crop. I feel great empathy for those who lost their houses. But the avocados? That’s not fair. [And here, I want to clarify. Of course those homes are more important than the avocados. This is meant to be a disparaging comment on my own selfish thoughts, really.]

There’s nothing like the flesh of an avocado. Creamy with green exuberance, pliant as the knife cuts down, soft as pap and as comforting as mother’s milk — avocados could make me write for pages, and still never allow me to describe them right.

Sometimes, I don’t need anything else but a perfectly ripe avocado — the one that gives to the fingers but doesn’t squish — and a sprinkling of salt. For a more decadent snack, I splash a little balsamic vinegar into the cup left by the removal of the pit. That’s satisfaction.

Small slices of radishes, shreds of mozzarella, a few corn chips, some fresh fruit, and segments of avocado, splayed out on a white plate — that may be the perfect lunch.

And of course, there’s always guacamole. This afternoon, after I took the photograph you see above, the Chef and I smashed up the avocado, smooshed in some salt, mixed in some startling pico de gallo, and a dollop of sour cream. Our fingers pushed against each other, fast, in a race to finish that bowl full of green goodness.

But avocados are meant for more than simple slices and guacamole. This month, the Chef is making a kick-ass salad for the restaurant: Dungeness crab, cucumbers, avocados, and papaya, with a tarragon vinaigrette. Everyone who eats it moans.

And one of the best ice creams I have ever eaten was the one my friend Traca made last summer: avocado ice cream, from David Lebovitz’s recipe. Oh yeah. You really do have to try this.

So here’s the question for you. What can we do with avocados, beyond eating them fresh and making guacamole?


At 11:06 PM, Blogger noisy penguin said...

My in-laws have a citrus and avocado ranch, but lost most of their avocado trees in last year's fires. They used to give us so many at a time, we made big trays of chicken & avocado enchiladas, grilled cheese and avocado sandwiches, and avocado cookies for weeks. Guacamole is still my favorite though.

At 11:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post sooooo made me wish I had an avocado right now. My best friend has an avocado tree in his backyard.

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Margie said...

I've heard of making dairy-free chocolate mousse with them - beat up about one avocado per person and add good cocoa powder to chocolate-ify and then maple syrup to sweeten.

Also, avocado milkshakes are really nice.

At 12:32 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

The house I live in had avocado halves just laid out for lunch today. I almost died of sheer glee. I also like how in Chinese, the literal translation of "avocado" is "butter fruit"...very apt, don't you think?

At 12:55 AM, Blogger evil cake lady said...

I was just at a cake bake-off where someone made a vegan chocolate frosting with avocados...wish I could point you towards the recipe; it was pretty good!

At 1:41 AM, Blogger Rozan said...

i love avo's too! you reminded me of the avo tree we used to have at home growing up. It was huge, and every avo season we would have piles and piles of avo's to get through.....if only i still had access to those piles of avo's! I love jsut eating them with salt, or having them on toast, or if im feeling particularly peasantish, with baked beans.

At 1:43 AM, Blogger tuesday's bread said...

I lived in California a couple of years ago and avocados are the thing I miss most - well apart from the warmth, I've moved back to the UK now!

Can I suggest them plain with a splash of tamari!? Mmmmm! It's my latest discovery!

At 2:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guacamole will always have a place in my heart, but I'm a big fan of sliced avocado topped with shrimp remoulade, too. It feels like such a decadent dish.

At 2:30 AM, Blogger heatherfeather said...

I make a modified version of my dad's avocado milk. For breakfast, I cut it into 1/2" cubes, pour some milk and a bit of honey (or sugar if I'm out) over it and eat it like cereal. It leaves me full and riotously happy.

At 2:42 AM, Blogger Quirkz said...

avocado milkshakes ; ) totally decadent and delicious. i think you would like them =)

At 3:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make creamy, dairy-free salad dressing! Half an avocado, a quarter-cup on apple cider vinegar, some herbs, a dash of salt and pepper. It works especially well on romaine greens.

At 4:32 AM, Blogger CatherineMarie said...

I eat avocados on the Walnut Bread I make, they are fantastic with bacon too. A shrimp and avocado salad with arugula...mmmmm.

Alton Brown did a show on avocados, and made a bright green frosting with them! St Paddy's Day Cake, anyone?

I've made an avocado mousse (sweet mousse) based loosely on Burt Greene's recipe in Greene on Greens. Its not dairy-free though.

Noisy Penguin, can we have the recipe for avocado cookies? Those sound intriguing. (sorry for not updating my blog recently, things have been strange)

At 4:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pound cilantro, parsley, dried chilies, garlic and lemon juice in a mortar and pestle, season with s&p, pat this all over a piece of tuna, sear it on both sides in an ultra hot pan drizzling a bit mroe lemon juice on it as it cooks and i serve it with a side of avocado and Valbresso feta (sheeps' milk) all drizzled in olive oil. OMG. Tuna and avocado are made for each other.
Also with scrambled eggs and some guanciale chunks or chorizo for crunch.
I've seen them running about $2.00 each around thes eparts lately too. (Boston)

At 4:50 AM, Blogger Adele said...

Since becoming dairy intolerant a few years ago, I have discovered many ways to use the fatty, creamy texture of avocado to replace the "milk fat" induced richness of many things. This recipe was created by a friend of mine. You could also find variation online under the heading "Chocolate of the Gods Mousse"

Chocolate Mousse
1 lrg Mango ( 1 1/2 cups)
1 medium Avocado, diced (3/4 cup)
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 Tbsp, brewed, strong black coffee
1 tbsp, Rum, optional
2 tbsp real maple syrup
1 tsp Vanilla
3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, melted
-In a food processor, blend mango, avocado, cocoa powder, coffee, optional rum, maple syrup, and vanilla until smooth. Add melted chocolate chips, and blend until smooth. Chill for 2-3 hours (if you can wait that long!)

This is also amazing frozen!

At 4:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At your recommendation, I started watching Jamie Oliver at Home on Saturday mornings. The Saturday before Easter, he made a roasted carrot and avocado salad that literally made my mouth water. I am new to avocados, outside of guacamole and standard mexican fare, so I never imagined how glorious the avocado would taste in a warm salad. I omitted the seeds, bread (of course), and gigantic dollop of sour cream (was that really necessary?), and made that salad for easter dinner. It was absolutely incredible!

At 5:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love avocados! I use them in baking and all kinds of hot dishes. I included two recipes here: if anyone is interested in something different!

At 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that my favorite way to eat an avocado right now is to split it down the middle and fill the hole with fresh cottage cheese and cracked black pepper. Something about the contrast in texture and temperature, along with the taste, makes me a happy girl.

At 5:52 AM, Blogger Arwyn said...

My mother has been an avocado addict since before I can remember, but I reviled them for years as a child; I've only recently come to realize just why she adores them, and to worship them myself accordingly.

It's not terribly high-brow, but I love to scoop out the pit and put tuna fish in the hole that's left, using the avocado as a bowl to hold a favorite snack. Corn chips are sometimes involved, cheese less often.

At 6:16 AM, Blogger LunaC said...

when in NZ, we learned that they often use avocado in the place of butter or mayo on a sandwich. Imagine a wrap or sammy with fresh veggies, or/and a succulent slice of meat, slathered with avocado. melts in your mouth!

At 6:31 AM, Blogger A G. said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Avocados sprinkled with lime juice make a lovely garnish for Pozole soup. They are integral to Cobb Salad. An old favorite is a salad made with avocado, spinach, pears and goat cheese with a lime dressing. Cold avocado soup is wonderful on a hot day. Half an avocado with fresh grilled tuna and a lime dressing is lovely.

Can you tell I like avocados? :-)

At 6:44 AM, Blogger Catherine dee Auvil said...

I mash up half an avocado and a can of tuna fish then I eat it as a dip with health food store nachos (like mexi-snax). Delicious!

In my opinion this is a great snack for a new mom.

I thought I invented this until I read that avocado with tuna is popular in Israel. (can anyone confirm that?)

At 7:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I toyed with not telling but decided to share my best trick...

My baking secret for using regular old gluten recipes to make GF baked goods is to use mashed Avocado as a substitute for half of the butter. (with a basic all purpose GF flour/starch blend substitution for the wheat flour of course)

The avocado keeps things together (way less spreading and crumble), imparts great texture, and makes me feel a little bit better about eating the whole batch in the span of a few days.

I've only tried this with dense things like cookies and brownies, so try it in other types of things at your own risk.

Bonus: Left over avocado while you wait for your cookies!!! Cookies and avocado in one day? SO GOOD!!!

At 7:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

One girl on a message board I frequent makes "green pudding" by whirling half a big avocado with a large very ripe banana. I haven't tried it though!

At 7:09 AM, Blogger Kharina said...

Funny thing about avocado is that you need to keep it simple and retro to make the most out of it. A prawn cocktail served in it is so naff but sooo good.

I eat that when I am alone so no-one can make fun of me. :)

At 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Florida-grandparents own several avocado groves. I have many childhood memories of the beautifully colored spiders that spread their webs from avocado tree to avocado tree and memories of racing up the trees which were safely out of reach of the stray dogs.
As far as eating them, we would make mixing bowls of guacamole, eat them salted and right out of the skin, diced on salads, melted into paninis, sliced and eaten with tomatoes, or on top of a sunny-side up egg with cheese and refried beans. The possibilities are really endless!

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Alton Brown did a wonderful Avocado frosting that stood on its own without chocolate or many other flavorings... It did have a lot of citrus (I think lime) and plenty of sugar but it was tasty! I put it on a angel food cake.

Also down here in Texas folks will stuff the center with a spicy shrimp concoction and put it on top of a salad.

At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our absolute fav is to chunk up a great avocado, salt & pepper, & eat it as an 'appetizer' as we cook dinner! Aside from that, I really love them in a corn & black bean 'salad' I make, which should really be called, "avocado, corn & black bean salad". YUM

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Shelly! said...

One of the best desserts I ever had - and almost didn't - was an avocado & lime pie. It was delicious! I almost did not try some given the notion of mixing avocado & lime, but it was such a good pairing. My sister made it for us at Thanksgiving. I am hoping to make it, in some gluten-free mini-pie crusts, to serve as a dessert tart at her upcoming wedding.

I loved this post. We are (back) living in CA and it reminded me of how lucky we are to be near fresh avocados. Your imagery and words are incredible!

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Peter said...

You show a beautiful Hass avocado. Before I moved to the east coast from the west, that was the only type I had ever had. But on the east coast they have these nasty, fibrous watery Florida ones. Yuck.

Anyway - I first had an avocado smoothie at a Vietnamese restaurant. Now I'm addicted to them. They take just a second to make, a lot easier than avocado ice cream: half an avocado, some sweetened condensed milk and ice and blend it together.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger B said...

I just love them sprinkled with smoked salt.

At 7:51 AM, Blogger JessiferSeabs said...

Here's an odd thing:
Mash one up and put it on your face as a moisturing mask.

Put it on your hair as conditioner (butter, right?)

Put it on your cuticles and see how strong and sleek your nails are...

To eat?
Spread it on crusty bread, with a little bit of salt...

Emulsify it with some balsamic vinegar and goat cheese and make salad dressing...

Spread it on a turkey sandwich...

Cut it up and put it on a plate with some fresh sliced tomatoes, drizzle olive oil, salt and pepper...


($2.25 each here in MN)

At 8:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a restaurant in Bethesda, Maryland called Hamburger Hamlet, and they make the Marilyn burger. It has sliced avocado, and it is devine. I have not had it since going gluten free.

I have heard that avocado is referred to as "California butter." After reading all these great comments, I can see why. People like it in ice cream, frosting, and grilled cheese!

Along these lines, I would like to suggest fudge! I think avocado fudge would be great, and stick some Marcona almonds in there!

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Savitrii said...

Few things are more delicious in this world than a thick BLT, slathered with avocado. The way it splooshes between thick juicy bacon - the way it delightfully contrasts the crispness of fresh lettuce and tomato - ah, heaven. Mix in a little paprika for a hint of zing.

First time writer, avid reader. I love your stuff!

At 8:20 AM, Blogger jbeach said...

I love the idea of avocado milkshakes! I'm going to have to look into this...

As for me, I like going retro with the avo and filling the halves with a lovely shrimp salad. Or with tuna salad or egg salad (with celery for crunch!) or with a classic maque choux (corn, bell pepper, tomato mixture). So Good!!!

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Keera Ann Fox said...

I wish you would write page up and page down about avocados! I totally get why you love them. I never look at the price; we normally import ours from Israel (I'm a native Californian, BTW; the neighbor's avocado tree would hang its fruit over my parking space :-) ). I love to just halve mine and sprinkle herb salt on them. Man, that's good! But you asked what else, and I have to say that I have had hamburger with avocado (called a California burger) and an omelet with avocado wedges folded in (and called a California omelet, natch) and those are two of the best ways I've ever had a burger or an omelet. I had those over 20 years ago and I still think about it. Avocado, much like tomatoes, can be added to anything, it seems.

At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a decadent taste and lush mouth-feel I have to recommend filling the cavity where the pit was with sweetened condensed milk. It brings out a nuttiness in the avocado and takes all of 5 seconds to make.

When I grew up my home had a fig tree, and a pecan tree. I had a friend who had an avocado tree, and another with a pomegranate tree. I wish now that I had realized what a slice of paradise that was.

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Ellen said...

Melissa over at The Traveler's Lunchbox has a post on avocado milkshakes:

At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to love to just eat a little salsa with the avocado - in the shell.

This week my 18 year old made the corn relish with avocado - she found the recipe on Food Network - it's Bobby Flay' was delicious.,,FOOD_9936_399,00.html

I also love to slice avocado and add it to a sandwich...

At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been working through a lot of life challenges lately (mom died, I left my job and moved back to the family home, grief, sadness, loneliness, health issues, missing my students, questioning the sense of it all), and woke up this morning feeling completely overwhelmed.

Thank you for the reminder of the simple beauty and deliciousness of this wonderful little morsel. I enjoyed a smushed avocado mixed with a spoonful of sweet peppertomato salsa and some chips for breakfast, all the while humming my mantra, "slow 'er down, ease 'er up, keep 'er steady cowgirl."

Brenda the Death Valley Schoolmarm

At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Sho-
i live in Rockville, frequent Hamburger Hamlet, and love, love, love the "Marilyn". They are very gracious about serving the burger sans bun and I am not positive but fairly certain that their burgers do not contain a bread filler -- jsut 100% beef. (Although,I am not a celiac, but my partner I am always on the lookout for safe places to dine.

At 9:23 AM, Blogger Darby said...

Yes, there are tons of things to do with an avocado... But I think they are so perfect on their own! I can't chop one up for another use without sneaking a couple of pieces first.

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Charlene and Chris said...

You have read my mind! I just bought a bunch of avocados last night because they were on sale! My fiance on one of our first dates was cooking for me and made the comment that it was the sexiest fruit.
I loved your book and look forward to always reading your posts. You are an excellent writer.

At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, avocado! I love it so much but I'm trying to eat local and they just dont grow here :-( :-( :-( oh well!

At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I studied abroad in Granada, Spain, my host mother would plop a bowl of avocados and lemons on the table for dessert. She equipped all of us with a knife and passed the sugar bowl. The idea was to mash the avocado with lemon and sugar to taste. It's such a simple dessert, but it's truly delightful!

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Daphne said...

I can't believe I've never had an avocado milkshake, that is so right up my alley. My favorite is to mush some up on a whole-grain rice cake (preferably with some tamari), a little seasoning salt (my favorite is Spike) and then heap with alfalfa sprouts, a few slices of cucumber and a fresh tomato. It falls apart as you eat it but the mix of textures is heavenly. My favorite sandwich-snack, ever.

At 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

An avocado, a banana, and a little (certified gluten-free, of course) oatmeal in the food processor makes a lovely, moisturizing facial masque.

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Vittoria said...

I love avocados straight from the 'skin', as do my two gerbils. I live w/ and Ecuadorian family and no meal is complete without an avocado. They're great with every thing. I'm thinking of incorporating one in my next meatloaf project.

If noisy penguin is reading this, I've gotta have that recipe for avocado cookies!

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in the land of avocados, where their sheer abundance leaves me scrambling to use them all up. I've recently discovered that I can cube and freeze avos, then use them in fruit smoothies. Even the non-avo loving folks in the house will eat them in a smoothie.

At 9:51 AM, Blogger KatePDX said...

If you haven't tried a grilled avocado, you haven't lived. Just cut in half, brush with olive oil, and place cut side down on the grill for a few minutes. There are no words to describe how tasty that is. Try it, and you'll see what I mean.

When they're done, just sprinkle with salt, or a citrusy vinaigrette or mustard sauce, or put on a burger. That's it!

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Caitlin said...

Pumpernickel bread, pesto, smoked salmon, avocado, salt, lemon juice. MMMM!!!

At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, the amazing avocado isn't local to Virginia, otherwise I would indulge every day. Next time I go to my favorite oriental market I'll have to buy some so I can try making a dairy-free avocado ice cream with coconut milk, honey and maybe a splash of lime or lemon juice? I've only ever eaten avocado as a savory food, but this sounds promising...


At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember my mother making this for Christmas. How she managed to find good avocados in December in the Midwest, I cannot imagine.

Into perfectly formed, peeled avocado halves, place a handful of carefully peeled ruby red grapefruit segments. Drizzle with Girard's Champagne dressing.

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cold avocado soup! heavenly goodness, what silken texture. saute some onions till golden. blend with avocados and a splash of buttermilk and broth until excellent consistency is achieved. Season with cilantro, chili, or wherever your imagination takes you... Garnish with a swirl of yogurt, diced ripe tomatoes or prawns... sky's the limit.

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You sure do know how to use words.

I love to read your posts. Each time I'm drawn in by your descriptions and passions.

I guess food can be used any ole way a person would like to. Interesting to read someone's post about avos being using in a chocolate mouse.

Enjoy life!


At 10:45 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Avocado, straight from the skin with an itty-bitty baby spoon was my middle daughter's first and most favorite baby food.

...and now I must go buy a bag of avocados to try out all these fabulous ideas.
*wishing I had an avocado tree in my backyard*

At 11:01 AM, Blogger Abby said...

I loved all of the yummy suggestions that everyone shared in previous comments. I think when I shop Thursday, I will buy an avocado.

You would only sound like a seventh grader if you would have said, "I puffy heart avocados." :)


At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a little sushi place a few blocks away... they make the most amazing special - a sprig of basil leaves tempura'd then topped with a dollop of spicy tuna, sliced avocado, and diced mango. It's magnificent. For dessert - a scoop of vanilla ice cream with tempura'd mango and avocado slices with sprinkles of crunchy tempura bits. mmmmmmm. heaven.

At 11:08 AM, Blogger The Wooden Spool said...

I agree, how yummy! We have been eating one a piece per day, utterly satisfying. My grandpa and grandpa had a tree looming in their yard in SC as well...i would love a tree in my yard, too! (one day) And a meyer lemon, etc....Avocados are sooo good with bacon and tomatoes in a mayonnaisey sandwich. TIME FOR LUNCH! ~ I heart them, too~

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Mmmm, avocados!

My mother's classic presentation: take an avocado half, fill it with consommé cubes and top with bacon bits.

My favorite: add cubes of avocado to tortilla soup before serving. Or any spicy (chickeny) soup.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Hi Shauna,

I loved your post. We just made guacamole last night and fought over the stuff too.

A friend of mine swears by cutting it up and sprinkling soy sauce on it. Haven't tried it, but the salty touch sounds interesting!

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Leigh said...

I <3 Avocados. Love them love them love them.

My favorite applications for this wonderful fruit:

-In half with a small (or not so small) dollop of mayo and salt and pepper.

-Mooshed up in tuna or chicken salad instead of mayo, with a hint of lemon

-One of my favorite restaurants over here takes a half of avocado, adds some diced tomatoes, tops it with some fresh mozzerella, and then warms it just slightly so that the cheese melts juuuuuuust a little bit, and then tops with balsamic vinegar.

At 12:16 PM, Blogger M said...

Avocado ice cream is really nice. Buy some good quality vanilla icecream.
Mix with avocado, fresh lemon juice and powder sugar.
Re-freeze if needed.

At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said... California Roll Salad

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Vittoria said...

Oh Man!

Such great ideas! Now I have to go home and have tuna with avocado, tomato, onions and melt some mozz. cheese on top.

And I mean straight home from work!

At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My inlaws cut down their avacado tree last year, and got rid of the orange tree (luckily that was small enough to transplant into our yard).

Now that they are retiring they want to sell us their house later this year, so they can down size and we have enough room for a family and the business.

I'm schemeing about taking the orange tree with us, and praying they don't chop down the grapefruit and lemon trees before then. But I cringe when I see the stump of the avacado tree, especially as I only recently started liking them.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Cynna66 said...

I love avocado. Unfortunately, due to my dietary restrictions, (can't have anything high in potassium, phosphorus, or sodium) I'm not allowed to eat them. I will cheat from time to time between a dialysis treatment and have a naughty food and when I decide that naughty food is avocado, I love to have it chunked up and dotted over top soft, luscious scrambled eggs and then sprinkled with a good salt and fresh ground pepper. Now that is <3

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot. My Dad LOVED guacamole on his steak. No a-1, no horseradish (and he LOVED hot) just really good guacamole in about a 1:1 ratio of steak and guac.

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Kait said...

It's not very creative, but I mix avocado in with plain hummus (homemade or store bought) or I mash up an avocado on it's own and dip pieces of peppered turkey from Whole Foods in it.

Mmm...I could eat avocado all day every day and never get sick of it.

At 2:26 PM, Blogger NotBlogginGirl said...

Wow. 66 comments and I'm the first one to bring this up. . .either it's so obvious it's boring, or. . .avocado with, wait for it, black olives. Eat just like that for a treat, or, for a snazzy-seeming dinner, mash with the olives and a little ricotta and use to stuff chicken breasts (or, if you're feeling truly decadent, put the mash back into the clean skins and pop under the broiler for a couple of minutes).

At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best salad of all time (c/o of SF's Delfina):
Thinly sliced fennel bulb topped with chopped up avocado, blood orange segments and a bright citrusy viniagrette.
It's absolutely divine.

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Krafty Like A Fox said...

Bubble tea milkshakes. Yum yum.

Also in an Eggs Benedict: English muffin layered with sun-dried tomato, sliced avocado, poached eggs, and hollandaise.

Also in green salads with balsamic vinegar, tomatoes, oranges, and almonds.

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my favorites is avocado, fresh, chopped rosemary and/or lemon thyme, sea salt and fresh pepper mashed with a bit of butter or goat cheese on toast,a baked potato or rice. Savory dreams!

At 5:25 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Haven't read all the comments yet, but I love avocados in scrambled eggs/omelets. SOOOOOO good. I like to make black bean salad with avocados too with whatever produce I happen to have on hand. I like to put them in tacos, in tortilla soup, or, of course, just eat them diced with a little salt.

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... Does anyone out there remember "Isadora and Her Avocado Plant?" You were alive in the 70's if you do.

We had avocado plants all over our house. My mother could not throw a pit away. She'd put toothpicks in their sides and set the pit in a glass of water. Avocado plants would sprout and she'd pot them. They grew, and grew, but never bore fruit. Of course that is because we lived in Upstate New York in a 200 year old farmhouse with next to no heat.

Of course I still eat lots of avocados, but I don't try to grow them here in Seattle. In honor of my mom, who died over 22 years ago- her favorite combo was avocado and sliced brie. She ate it on a crusty baguette with a little mayo and Dijon mustard.

In lieu of the baguette, a fresh tortilla will do.

At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how lyrical you make avocados sound!
Last week I made avocado pie. It was an old recipe from the 60s that sounded too strange not to try. It was in a graham cracker crust was vaguely reminiscent of Key lime, but with the earthy finish of avocado. The recipe and a picture in on my blog: Prose and Potatoes.

At 9:36 PM, Blogger DameyDonelle said...

i love avocados!!! of course, guac is my dish of choice mainly because its such an easy snack, especially in college (great study food!!) but what i love almost as mush is avocado burgers. most of the time, i dont have any gluten free burger buns so i just spread the avocado on top of the meat, and eat it. SO DELISH!!!!


At 9:47 PM, Blogger Robin said...

I don't know the answer but dang that's a beautiful avocado photo.

At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I make a similar salad to one from anonymous, that I just happened to eat earlier today, before checking this post!

Chunks of avocado, shaved fresh fennel, fresh grapefruit segments, arugula (or a mix of bitter and baby greens) and a grapefruit vinaigrette using some of the juice from the grapefruit, grapefruit vinegar and a very good olive oil, sea salt and fresh ground pepper. Sometimes I add in some fresh shrimp. Really light and refreshing!

At 5:17 AM, Blogger Gluten - Free Granny said...

I put them in cobb salad along with lots of other veggies- including beets- delicious!

At 5:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of the suggestions in the comments look so good!
We had an avocado tree in our yard in Manila (and several coconut trees, you had to watch out for them!)
I adore avocado on pizza. I make my pizza with pesto, stir fried red peppers and sweet onions, shrimp, toasted pinenuts, sliced avocado, mozzarella and sometimes a bit of artichoke heart. OH SO GOOD!

At 6:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so grew up with a big avocado tree in the backyard (Miami), but strangely enough, I don't like them much. Too oily for me. The one recipe I do really love is a South Indian recipe for avocado rice. I love, love, love it. The oiliness of the avocado is tempered by the spices and the rice, and all is fresh and lovely.

At 8:15 AM, Blogger The Peanut Butter Boy said...

Tuna tartare! chop up some sashimi grade tuna, avocado, soy sauce and vinegar for an awesome tartare.

Avocado cookies and milkshakes? I've never heard of these, I'll have to look into them.

- The Peanut Butter Boy

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Megan said...

I love when there is synergy between the blogs I read. fatcyclist just posted about how avocado and white bread is the most perfect jersey pocket food (aka food for bike riding) ever.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Priyanka Cooks said...

Avocados are the world's most perfect food! For breakfast, I love a steaming hot bowl of rice with tomatoes and fresh avocados chopped up and mixed in. I use different seasonings depending on the mood I'm in, but it's easy to make it Indian, Mexican, or "Californian" with just a few spices. It's warm and gluten-free!

At 11:17 AM, Blogger k said...

Oh yum. I love avocados just about anyway I can get them. Beside guacamole, they are great instead of mayonnaise on a sandwich (any sandwich!), and as you mentioned, great with crab or other seafood (crab salad wraps!), pretty much anyway you can eat them, but also kept as simple as possible.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Karen said...

Others have mentioned this, but avocado milkshakes are surprisingly delicious. Here's a recipe from a friend of mine:

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Gluten Free...licious! said...

I love avocado on everything! We go to Red Robin and I get the guacamole & bacon burger. They put it in a lettuce wrap so it's gluten-free and yummy! I love it in sandwiches & soups. Can't wait to try some of these ideas!


At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually spent a few months housesitting at a family friend's avocado farm/slice of heaven in S. California. Now, that was nice.

I don't know what it is about avocados, either the happy color or the decadent taste but I can't get enough of 'em. I should try the avo. milkshake it sounds delish. Lastly, the town of Carpinteria, Ca has an avo. fest (usually in the first weekend in October) and it may not be the only one in the nation, but I do believe it holds a world record for the worlds largest bowl of guacamole (i'd swim in that). They have almost anything avocado one could imagine, even ice cream.

Mari (homesick ex-Californian)

btw, I think your blog is lovely as was the post on olives!_!

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Vincci said...

Seriously, what more do you need than guacamole?

Other than that though, I love avocado in sandwiches, salads and sushi, but I guess that's still considered eating it fresh.

Speaking of sushi, a sushi place by my house makes an avocado milkshake!

At 6:36 PM, Blogger Celine said...

One of my favorite restaurants makes a roasted avocado, which is cut in half, the centers filled with a spinach mousse and roasted. Or roasted and then filled with a spinach mousse. I haven't played with it at home enough to know which works better. It's a different taste, and it changes avocado entirely--I didn't know if I liked it at first, but it got under my skin in a slightly obsessive's really smoky and creamy rather than smooth and creamy. Try it.
Also, one of my favorite things is the combination of the smooth of avocado with the crunch of cucumbers. In the summer, I like dicing up a kirby and an avocado in the same sizes, and tossing it with a light bit of olive oil, apple cider vinegar and salt. Sometimes garlic, sometimes cilantro. Often just the veggies.

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your blog! One of my fave ideas is to stack a layer of sliced heirloom tomato, slice of buffalo mozzarella, and top with avocado. Drizzle stack with olive oil and balsamic syrup. Repeat. Repeat. Simply yummy!

At 8:05 PM, Blogger Dana said...

One of my roommates in college used to toast a really great, seedy, hearty whole wheat bread and then mush avocado on top and sprinkle it with garlic salt. It was amazing.

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just tried making brownies using avocado instead of butter. SUCCESS!! They're fantastic. Can't even tell there's avocado in there. Can't wait to try it in more baked goods...

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Kath said...

The Irish Snug on Colfax in Denver, CO serves the yummiest avocado apps.

Sliced, sprinkled with real bacon chunks and drizzled with balsamic vinegar.

So yummy!

At 9:48 PM, Blogger Beth said...

I always get a thrill picking avocados from the tree. I just brought back a load of them from my aunt's orchard in Santa Barbara this weekend and am now waiting for them to ripen. For eating, I like my avocados simple with salt and lime juice.

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Anne said...

MORE guacamole! LOVE IT! I know you wanted more original ideas but since I went totally GF in January... mexican food is my savior. And there is nothing like a cookie sheet of GF tortilla chips, smothered in cheese, with a 4-perfectly-ride-avocado-homemade bowl of guacamole with cilantro, garlic, cumin, tomatoes, salt, jalapeno...and only 2 people! Total decadence.

At 7:33 AM, Blogger Rachael Narins said...

I super-duper extra-mega heart avocados (and I live in Southern California. Natch.) Especially when it's smeared on fried chicken. Mmm. Gluten FREE fried chicken, of course. (In the unhealthiest way possible, I like to roll fried chicken skin up around slices of avocado too. In a kinda sorta greasy bad egg roll way. Then, you know, sprinkle with salt and dip into mashed potatoes. Ha ha ha. So sick, and so good.)

I should sign this "anonymous" after that admission...shouldn't I!


At 8:12 AM, Blogger momcan'tdance said...

I'm going to go make a gluten free baguette RIGHT NOW, and try some of these ideas with avocado on crusty bread!

My current favorite is to make the bread in a French bread pan. Carol Fenster's book "Wheat-Free Recipes & Menus" has a good French bread recipe that really does turn out baguettes!

Also, you can't go wrong with any of the recipes (bread or otherwise) in Karen Robertson's book "Cooking Gluten-Free". The water color illustrations alone hooked me!

Thanks, Nina, for the 70's memories! Makes me want to stick 3 toothpicks in that avocado seed and let my kids "feel the love" as well! (BTW we were raised in So. Cal. and our avo plants from those illustrious seeds never bore fruit either!)

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pizza! Put them on pizza! I love avocados, and one of the most interesting ways I have eaten them is on pizza, perhaps with some black beans and a little feta. So good.

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should you visit Portland, OR, be sure to treat yourself to an Avocado Daquiri. Famed mixologist, Lucy Brennan serves them up at my most favorite restaurant, Mint, or next door at her comfy lounge, 820. The recipe is available in her book, "Hip Sips". It really is frothy, creamy heaven in a martini glass.

Perhaps the Avocado Daquiri can be your treat after birthing and nursing baby bean!

At 11:55 AM, Blogger bob said...

If i'm eating alone (and can make a gluten filled meal), i toast 4 pieces of bread, get some chunky mustard seed mustard, spread on one side, add lettuce, half sliced avocado, less chunky mustard on the other side, lime juice, pepper, and theres one sandwich. Repeat for the 2nd :)

If i'm eating with my lovely celiac girlfriend, its normally sliced and thrown on a salad... very simply, mmmm.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Lauren L said...

Hi Shauna,
In spring and summer, I love making this very simple avocado-potato salad. Basically you boil some potatoes (skin on or off, your choice) and cut them into chunks, toss these with avocado chunks in a dressing that is made of your ideal combination of olive oil and lemon juice. Add fresh chives or parsley and sea salt to taste. I just made this with a Meyer lemon we had in the fruit bowl and it was even yummier than with a regular lemon. Delish! And so perfect for those warm days when you're wanting something light. The green and yellow colors look so spring-y, too!

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is probably fairly pedestrian compared to most suggestions, but I love avocado sandwiches on toasted wheat bread with bacon, sprouts and spicy mayo. (I made this sandwich for the guy I was dating on our first picnic together - he's now my husband :)

Also, avocado and shrimp, really, any seafood, are a delightful pairing. Avocado and shrimp salad, for instance. Avocado and black-bean quinoa salad with cilantro and lime dressing; avocado with lemon juice and sea salt - man, I love avocados!

My father starting growing an avocado tree when we lived in Cali. It starting producing fruit the year we moved out of that house. Pretty funny, if you ask me. Even if we did miss out.

At 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous:

We live in Fairfax, Virginia, and there are a group of restaurants here that have a devine gluten-free menu. Artie's, Sweetwater, Coastal Flats, and Mikes American all have gluten-free menus, if you are looking for something different. These restaurants are owned by Great American Restaurants. It is not a national chain. It is a local company, and they are only in northern Virginia.

The easiest one to get to from Rockville is Sweetwater on Gallows Road. I get the bunless chicken and havarti (sandwich.) It comes with arugula and lemon oil dressing. They have GF fries, but I get veggies instead.

Then we all share the gluten-free waffle ala mode for dessert. Yes, a waffle! They make them every morning in the waffle iron.

Are there any interesting restaurants in your area that are gluten free now? I used to live in Rockville.


At 3:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The funniest thing happened yesterday while I was out for my morning run. I noticed a squirrel in the middle of the sidewalk carrying something I couldn't identify until I got really close. He had an avocado in his hands! He was sitting, square in the middle of the sidewalk, eating a lovely, ripe avocado. I stopped and stared in disbelief, this just isn't something that is seen often in Boston. He was devouring not unlike the way I do, standing at the kitchen counter spoon in one hand and avocado half in the other. In complete and total bliss. Who knows where he stole it from, but he looked happy. Very, very happy!

At 9:13 PM, Blogger Steph D said...

I love avocados in every possible way! But one of the simplest and most surprisingly delicious things to do with avocado is to half it, fill the holes with pure honey, and scoop it out with a spoon! Delicious and gorgeous, I might add.

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Zoe said...

cut in half, fill the pit hole with fresh squeezed lemon juice- sprinkle with a little Lawry's Garlic Salt, insert spoon, devour.

Tonight I made grilled cheese sandwiches on garlic sourdough (sorry I do gluten here) with red onion, cheddar, roma tomato & avocado slices. They grill nicely in a foreman grill!

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

beauty tip-
the creamalicious quality of avocado makes it an incredible skin moisturizer. simply cut off a thin slice (a little goes a long way), mash with a fork into a thick paste and shmear on your face (i do this while cooking). wait 10-15 minutes and rinse off with luke warm water. your face will feel velvety soft from all those lovely avocado oils.

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think my fave avocado treat of all time is to take a fresh white corn tortilla, put slices of avocado, sprinkle a bit of salt and a squeeze of lime juice. Mmmmm....

At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I grew up with an avocado tree in my front yard. I loved that thing-- it was indestructible! No mallets and whatnot but years of kids climbing up and down it to get to roof (sorry mom) and it always held strong. My favorite thing to make with avos is a salad/relish kind of thing. Chopped avos, chopped shrimp, white corn, lime juice, a sprinkle of olive oil and salt. Mmmmm. summer.

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fab blog GRG - 5 out of 5 avocadoes for you!!!

This combo has been mentioned a couple of times already, in a face mask and as pudding. However, this is a very yummy satisfying dressing:
1 avocado
1 banana
1 clove garlic
Sea salt
Whiz up in food processor (or mash by hand) and serve over fresh mixed greens.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger cakegirl said...

my babies loved to eat ripe avocados with tiny spoons, they still do now aged 10 and 5... also do look out for a childrens book called avocado baby by john burningham. it is one of our favourites and am sure you will enjoy reading it to your baby.....

At 5:30 PM, Blogger Cate said...

Years ago, before The Husband and I were married, we went on a cruise to Bermuda. While docked one day, we discovered this little dive, and the best sandwich ever. Toasted bread, a little bit of mayo, perfectly ripe avocados and crispy bacon. Oh so good, and a delicious memory of our first vacation together. So good, we smuggled several back on the ship when we left the port.

Another thing we like doing is slicing the avocado and drizzling it with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil and hot sauce.

Avocado's deliciousness is in its purity. :)

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Miss Ai said...

Dice them and toss them into soups! This is how Mexican tortilla soups are served, but I also thing avocados taste dilicious in chicken noodle, minestrone, and cream of tomato :)

BTW in Japan we call avocados mori no butter, or butter of the forest!

At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm I dice mine up and place them over green chilli stew or on sandwhiches! Sooo yummy! My gluten free hubby loves them!


At 8:02 AM, Blogger lynnec222 said...

In Salvador, Brazil, they treat avocado like a fruit. They add it to tropical fruit salads, cutting everything up into tiny pieces. YUM..... so many flavors & textures in one bite!!! They also sell homemade popsicles on the beaches. They are made of mostly pureed fruit & the avocado ones are to DIE for!!! A cold & creamy delight!!

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Vittoria said...

I just have to say, when I was at Whole Foods the other day they had a sample of avocado cream cheese pie. It had a graham cracker crust so I couldn't sample it, but now I have to hunt down the recipe.

At 9:59 AM, Blogger CP said...

Rising Sun produce stand (15th Ave and 65th St NE) has avacados 2 for $1 right now. I had to stop yesterday when I saw that price!

(FYI - in Seattle)

At 12:22 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

oh, my! so many awesome ideas...

one of my favorites is to make curried egg salad with diced cucumber, scoop out half the avacado meat to mix in, then fill the shell with a bit of that avacado still clinging to the walls. Just scrumptious!

we've had $3 avacados here in OH this year...too rich for me. But oh, I miss them so. Those and artichokes. sigh.

At 8:12 PM, Blogger Traca Savadogo said...

Whoa! Avocado lovers UNITE! So many good ideas here...but I'm still especially fond of that Avocado Ice Cream we had sitting out on your picnic table. Mmm...who knew it could be so rich and down right delicious??

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Tea said...

Avocado and soy sauce (or GF tamari) is one of the best things in the world. Umami yummy.

Also good with goma-shio sprinkled on top (since you're now a fan:-)


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice recipes here!!
I LOVE avocado too.
I make avocado Salad.
avocado & seafood & juice of the lemon & mayonnaise mix^^

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just saw a great recipe for raw chocolate pudding including avocado, banana and cocoa or cacao. Mmm! Just mush and serve. x

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Honeyed Hashette said...

I recently made avocado remoulade and served honey lime broiled salmon over it. The remoulade had a salty asian flare- ginger, soy, shallots, and lime. The salmon was sweet. The contrast was good and it was nice to have avocado in another way besides guac.
Here's my post about the recipe:

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Vee said...

I know this will sound crazy, but I swear it's amazing. I'm a vegetarian and have been dipping my foot into the raw vegan pond for the past few years. I have made the chocolate raw pudding many times...uses avocadoes, raw cacao, and agave. I also add cinnamon.

Oh. Yum.

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi again, just left a posting about your arepa entry... another treat to ask your friend Karen about... guasacaca!


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