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daily food photo: red quinoa

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03 March 2007

daily food photo: red quinoa

red quinoa in the morning

Did you know that red quinoa — made in the rice cooker the night before — tastes fantastic with bacon and eggs for breakfast?


At 10:13 PM, Blogger Mindy said...

Shauna- looks very interesting....emm...Where did you guys get red quinoa? Did it taste different?

At 5:49 AM, Blogger Mrs. G.F. said...

I did not know that you could make quinoa in the rice cooker???? News to me!

The same way as rice? Veryyy cooool.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Katelyn said...

I love quinoa but I've never seen a red variety. I clearly need to shop where you do. On that note, I have a request (read: DESPERATE PLEA FOR HELP). I'm making French lentils and sausage, and what I need most in the world right now is some truly great Seattle charcuterie. Any suggestions, fair blogger?

At 12:50 PM, Blogger I Am Gluten Free said...

Shauna, what kind of rice cooker do you have? I almost bought one yesterday - I was in Chinatown in downtown Boston, but didn't know which brand to get. Would be interested to know the brand you use and whether you would recommend it? Thanks. Ellen

At 1:09 PM, Blogger nicole said...

I love quinoa but have never had the red kind -- where did you get it? It looks yummy.

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Chee Chee Chai said...

It looks so yummy!

At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Shauna,
Like the others I have never seen red quinoa, and would love to know a source. It is so pretty, it would dress up a blah looking plate.

At 7:54 PM, Blogger Shauna said...

Red quinoa is just tremendous. It's offered by the Quinoa Corporation, and it's called Inca Red. Here's a link to it:

I buy it at Whole Foods, or the health food store on Vashon Island. It's nuttier and just more so than regular quinoa.

Rice cooker? Yes. I cook it with water or chicken stock, and a little butter, salt, and pepper. Sometimes, it's ready before the rice cooker has finished, so I watch it. Easy.

We have an old, cheap rice cooker that works so well it just feels silly to buy a new one. (Plenty of people have suggested we put such things on the wedding registry, but that's not us.) It's a Toastmaster.


Charcuterie? Oh my, there are so may choices. Salumi, of course, which is available at DeLaurenti's, as well. I'm fond of Fra Mani, which is made in Berkeley, but available at Whole Foods. It's made in a slow, artisanal fashion, and it tastes so good. Someone I know, who truly cares about food, just did a blind taste testing of salami, and he found — to his surprise — that the sausages made at Porcella Urban Market were the best of the bunch.

I haven't been there yet. It's in Bellevue. Maybe one day I will brave the Eastside!

Thanks for writing, everyone.

At 6:00 AM, Blogger madre-terra said...

Well, of course, anything looks good when you photograph it.
I love quinoa but have never heard of red quinoa...I'm going to go and check that out. HMMM.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Amy @ CrabtreeStudio said...

We can find Red (and white) Quinoa in our local grocery store (Cub) in the organic section (same brand). We use it anywhere we could also use rice. Cheesy white quinoa chicken broccoli casserole (my son's favorite). Red quinoa (mixed with tomatoes, peppers and onions) makes a great filling for burritos along with whatever else you like in them - black beans, chicken, etc. They're even better then Chipotle!

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Mike Eberhart said...

I love Red Quinoa. I tend to mix it with the traditional variety too, and cook it with vegetable stock, onions, red peppers, and garlic. It's such a versatile and wonderful grain.

I also wanted to let you know that links to your blog postings now show on my new gluten-free and celiac news aggregator page. I've tried to provide links to all the recent GF blog postings and news articles that I can find - putting links to all that information in one place. It should be useful for quickly seeing what everyone else is blogging about these days. And, you may be surprised by how many GF/CD blogs there are out there these days -- I think you started quite a trend.

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Ellen said...

Maybe I'm sort of a rice cooker snob (have spent several years in Japan and I eat a *lot* of rice) but in general I find Asian rice cookers (Japanese and Korean especially) better made than most standard American ones. That said, my current one is Panasonic, I think--I actually got it in the Boston Chinatown. I chose it because it has a timer function (you can set it to have rice ready the next morning, or in the evening when you come home), which I find really useful.

At 6:22 AM, Blogger caroline said...

That is the craziest coincidence. I just bought (and learned of) red quinoa for the first time last night. I was running around to different stores trying to find soba noodles and regular quinoa, and finally tracked down the quinoa at Whole Foods (no luck with the noodles though). I saw the red quinoa next to the regular quinoa and thought it looked pretty, so I picked up a box of both. I haven't cooked it yet though-- does it taste any differently?

At 7:08 AM, Blogger caroline said...

By the way, have you ever tried the quinoa pasta from Whole Foods? I made some last night and it made me insanely bloated and sick, but it's gluten free, right? I don't have celiac (I'm just sensistive to gluten and dairy) so I don't inspect labels that closely.

At 12:47 PM, Blogger AndeanNatural said...

Hi! Your photo rocks. Can I post it on my website with a link to yours? I would of course say you took the pic and all. Thanks!


At 9:28 PM, Blogger Molly said...

Hey, you're photo's are always amazing, looks delicious.

Inspired partly by you and partly by my want to share my love of food I started my own blog, right now the posts are few and far between because of college and such but yea here's the link

Oh I dont know if you remember but i asked you about gluten-free grahm crackers a while ago and you suggested Gluten-Free Baking. So I bought the book which my roommate deeply appreciated since she is the one with Celiac disease. So thanks.

At 6:28 AM, Blogger Vanessa said...

Shauna - fantastic! I'll have to try this.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Steph D said...

Another funny coincidence here... I haven't visited your blog in a while, and I just happened to make Inca Red quinoa last night and ate the leftovers this morning. :) It is delicious!

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Danna said...

In Edmonds, Washington recently I had a quinoa salad at The Loft. They managed to make it into wonderfully delicious, crisp, little slices or thin cakes. How can it be made to hold together like that?


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